March- loS afcertained; which I concluded mull have been effefled by a very
-—y--- > ftrong north-weft current.
At day-break, we bore away along the fouth fide o f Attowai for Why-
mea bay, where about nine o’clock we anchored, and moored a cable
each way ; the depth of water was 24 fathoms, with a bottom of dark-
grey fand and mud. The eaft point o f the bay bearing, by compals,
s. 67 e. the weft point N. 70 w . ; and the river n. 31 e ; about 2 miles
Trarifaclions at Attowai— The prince and, regent vifit the Jhips— Fidelity
o f the natives— Obfervations on the change in the feveral governments o f
the Sandwich i/lands— Commercial pwrfuits o f the Americans.
B y the time we had anchored, feveral o f the natives vifited us in the 179«.
fame fubmiflive and orderly manner as at Woahoo, and appeared better 1
provided. Towards noon, the Chatham arrived; but the wind Ihifting Friday9,
about prevented her coming to anchor until fun-fet, when Ihe moored
a little to the weftward of the ftation we had taken.
Our boats, guard, &c. being in readinefs, about one o’clock we proceeded
to the Ihore. Mr. Menzies accompanied me in the yawl, and
Mr. Puget followed with the cutter and launch. The furf was not fo
high as to prevent our landing with eafe and fafety; and we were received
by the few natives prefent, with nearly the fame fort of diftant
civility which we experienced at Woahoo.
A man, named Rehooa, immediately undertook to preferve good order,
and underftanding we purpofed to remain fome days, caufed two
excellent houfes to be tabooed for our fervice; one for the officers, the
other for the working people, and for- the guard, confifting of a fer*
jeant and fix marines.. Stakes were driven into -the ground from the
river to the houles, and thence acrofs the beach, giving us an allotment
of as much fpace as we could poffibly have occafion fo r ; within which
few encroachments were attempted. This bufinefs was executed by two
men, whofe authority the people prefent feemed to acknowledge and re-
fpect, although they did not appear to us to be chiefs of any particular
V o x. I. Z confequence.