179I* ferable huts be excepted which the officers of the Chatham met with in
i i the neighbourhood of Facile Harbour, but which had not the appearance
of having been lately occupied, Pleafant weatlier Hill continuing, on the
Wednef. 16. jfith I took a furvey of Anchor Ifland Harbour. It appeared to be
perfectly fecure, and may be found convenient, when accident may prevent
velfels getting into Facile Harbour. It has two entrances ; that to
the north of the Petrel iflands is a fair and clear channel, though of
great depth; its general foundings being from 33 to 38 fathoms; in the
narrowed part it is about a cable’s length wide, and, I belieye, free
from any danger ; as, the fliores are fteep, without any funken rocks or
fhoals, excepting within the palfage clofe under the fouth fide o f large
Petrel Ifland, where they are difcoverable by the weeds growing upon
them, and are quite out of the way of its navigation. The other paflage
is to the fouthward of the Petrel iflands; and as, in all probability, a,
ftrong northerly wind would alone induce any perfon to make choice of
this in preference to Facile Harbour, the s.w. point of large Petrel
Ifland fhould be kept clofe on board, {which may he fifthly done) m order
to weather the rock that appears above water in tfie middle o f tire
harbour, and to avoid a funken one of which there is not the leafl indication,
and on which there is no greater depth than twelve feet at low water.
Between this funken rock, and the point from off which it lies about
three quarters of a cable’s length, and nearly in the direHion to what I
have called E n t r y I s l a n d , are fixteen fathoms. Keeping the rock in
the harbour, which is always vifible, in a fine with what I have called
N o r t h E n t r y I s l a n d , will be fufficient direction, to pafs within the,
above-mentioned point and the funken rock. This, however, with forne
other particulars, is better illuftrated by the annexed (ketch ; which, with
one of Facile Harbour taken by Mr. Broughton, I have fubjoined, to a
copy o f captain Cook’s molt excellent chart of this port, with fuch trifling
additions as in the courfe of our obfervations we have been able to make;
and on this head, I (hall only further remark, that Anchor Ifland harbour,
although a very fafe and fecure port, is not a very convenient one to get
to fea from, owing to its narrow limits, great depth of water, arid the
above funken rock which we difeovered in its weftern entrance.
Mod of our bufinefs with the fliore being (infilled, our rigging overhaul- > 791
ed, fails bent, and the (hip ready for fea, with very fine weather and a gen- , °vcm
tie breeze from s. s ,E . , on the morning of the 18th we failed out of the Friday 18.
cove. The Chatham was not yet in readinefs to depart; in order, however,
that we might be conveniently ftationed to proceed together when circum-
ftances fhould admit, I intended to place the Ihip abreaft of Facile Harbour;
but the breeze failing, and the tide Petting us towards the iflands that lie
from it, we were obliged to' anchor fooner than I wifhed in 38 fathoms
fpft bottom. Five Finger Point by compafs bore s. 40 w . ; weft point of
Anchor Ifland s. 12 w. and the fouth.point of Parrot Ifland V.53W. a
quarter of a mile diftant. The day was nearly calm, but the next morn- Saturday 19.
ing brought with it a frefh breeze from the fouthward. The Chatham
having completed her bufinefs, flood out into the roadfted, which obtained
the name of T e m p e s t R o a d , from the dorm Ihe there rode out
on our arrival: but notfeeing any probability of getting to fea, (he returned
into Facile Harbour. The gale increafed towards noon, but in
the evening die weather again became delightfully pleafant.
On funday morning about 7 o’clock, a frefh breeze from the s.w. fet Sunday ao.
in, accompanied by an unufually heavy fwell, which giving us reafon to
apprehend fome violence from the wind in that direfilion, we weighed,
ran into Facile Harbour, and anchored abreaft of the paflage leading out
through Parrot and Pigeon iflands, in 38 fathoms foft bottom. This paf-
fage, though not exceeding a cable’s length in width, we found to be a very
excellent one, with foundings from g to 5 fathoms clofe to the fliores.
Thefe foundings are on a ridge from ifland to ifland, as the water’deep-
ened to upwards of 30 fathoms immediately on either fide. The Chatham
was at anchor near us, and both velfels were'.conveniently ftationed
for proceeding to fea on a favorable opportunity prefenting itfelf. The
wind continued to blow very ftrong from the s.w. and brought with it a
furf which broke very heavily on the fliores in the bay;, yet the veffels
rode perfeftly quiet. On monday, the (ky. became intirely obfeured, the Monday 21.
former ferenity gave place to dark gloomy weather, and the wind became
variable with much rain. The next morning was perfeflly calm, and TucTdav
although it did not rain, the heavy atmofphere continued. We were
' V ol.T. k now