-confiderable height; and confift of feveral forts, fome of which, the leaf
in particular, was like the laurel. Another fort was jointed like thé vine,
but we did not fee one that could be dignified by the appellation of a
timber tree. On our return, a few of the natives-were feen approaching
us, and as they appeared peaceably difpofed, we joined the firft party,
and faluted each other by meeting nofes, according to the New Zealand
rfalhion. They were prefented with lome trinkets, but Teemed to entertain
not the leaf! idea of barter, Or of obligation to make the leaft return,
as we could not prevail upon them to part with any thing excepting one
fpear of very rude workmanlhip. On making a bargain with him who
had parted with the fpear, for his coat, or covering of Tea-bear Ikin, he
■ was To delighted with the refleftion of his face in the looking glaffes pro-
pofed in exchange, that he ran away with them. Previoufly to this -with
a view tö Ihew them the fuperior effeft of our fire arms, I gave them Tome
birds which I had killed, and pointed out to them the. cauTe of their death.
On firing my gun they feemed much alarmed at its report; and all retreated
as we advanced towards them, excepting one old man, who maintained
his ground; and prefenting his fpear Tide-ways, beat time with his
feet; and as he feemed to notice us in a very threatening manner, I gave
my fowling piece to one o f our people, went up to him, fhook him by
the hand, and ufed every method I could devife to obtain his confidence.
Obferving fomething in his hand rolled carefully up in a mat, I was de-
firous of looking at it, upon which he gave it to another, who walked
away with i t ; but who did not prevent my feeing that it contained ftones
falhioned like the Patoo Patoes of New Zealand. They feemed very
anxious to get my gun and fhot belt, and frequently exclaimed Toohata.
Some of their fpears were ten feet, others about fix feet in length, one or
two of which were new, with carved work towards the handle'; whenever
thefe were pointed to, they were immediately given, to thofe behind,
as if afraid of our taking them by force. Finding little was to be procured
or learned here, we made figns of going to their fuppofed habitations,
and endeavoured to make them underftand we needed fomething
to eat and drink. As they continued very friendly, three men' armed
attended Mr. Johnfton and myfelf along the water-fide; the boat with
four hands keeping clofe by the fhore as we walked, left we might require
Tupport, or it fhould be neceflary to retreat. Every one had orders to *
be prepared, but on no account to make ufe o f their arms, until I fhould
give directions, which, at this time, I had not the moft diftant idea
would become neceflary. When our little party firft fat off, feveral of
them collefted large flicks, which they fwung over their heads, as if they
had fome intention of ufing them. He who had received the ftones from
the old man, had them now fixed, one at each end, to a large ftick about
two feet in length. Not liking thefe appearances; we had fome thoughts
of embarking; but, on our fuddenly facing about, they retired up the
beach to a fire which fome of them had juft made. Mr. Johnfton followed
them fingly, but was not in time to difcover the method by which _
it had been To quickly produced.. His preTence feemed rather to difpleafe
them, on which he returned, and we again proceeded along the beach,
making figns of our intention to accompany them on the other fide of the
bay. Fourteen only followed, the reft remained at the fire. Thofe who
had not fpears. fubftituted the drift wood on the beach for their weapons ;
yet as our party confifted of nine, all well armed, we entertained no fear
for our perfonal fafety, efpecially as every thing had been ftudioufly
avoided that we imagined might give them offence, and the various pre-
fents they had received had apparently purchafed their good opinion
and friendfhip, until now that we had reafon. to believe the contrary
by their providing themfelves with bludgeons. Having walked about
half round the bay, we arrived at the fpot behind which, from the maft
head, inland water had been feen. As we proceeded up the beach we found
it to be a large (heet o f water, which took a weftern direction round a hill
that prevented our feeing its extent. A t the upper end of this lake, the
country appeared very pleafant, and level. The water feemed of a red-
difh colour and was brackilh, which was moft probably occafioned by
the fait water oozing through the beach, which at this place is not more,
than twenty yards wide; or by its having fome communication with fea to
the weftward, which we did not perceive. We tried to explain to the
natives who Hill attended us, that the water was not fit to drink, and
then returned to the fea fide; when, abreaft of the boat, they became
V ol. I. N very