Novlmbc but we had no opportunity of afcertaining that fa£t, nor is. it of any
'— -v----' importance to the navigation, as the main channel appeared to be free
from any obftruftion, and is of fufficient width for the largeft veffels
to turn in. Its northern Ihore, compofed o f high fteep rocky cliffs, is the
boldeft ; the fouthern fide is much lower, though its fouth-eaftem point
is formed of fteep rocky cliffs, from the bafe of which a traft o f fandy
country commences, extending not only along the fouthern fhore
of the channel, and fome diftance along the exterior coaft to the fouth-
ward, but likewife to a confiderable height on the more elevated land
that borders thereon; and interfperfed with huge mafly rocks of different
fizes, which, with the Farellones, render this point too confpicu-
ous to be miftaken. Having palled the inner points o f entrance, we
found ourfelves in a very fpacious found, which had the appearance of
containing a variety of as excellent harbours as the known world affords.
The Spanifh eftablilhment being on the fouthern fide o f the port, our
courfe was directed along that Ihore, with regular foundings from g to 13
fathoms. Several perfons were now feen on foot and on horfeback coming
to the s.E. point above mentioned; from whence two guns were fired, and
anfwered by us, agreeably to the fignal eftablilhed between Senr Quadra and
myfelf. As the night foon clofed in, a fire was made on the beach, and
other guns were fired; but as we did not underftand their meaning, and
as the foundings continued regular, we fleered up the port, under an
eafy fail, in conftant ex pec.iation of feeing the lights of the town, off
which I purpofed to anchor: but as thefe were not difcoverable at eight
at night, and being then in a fnug cove, intirely land-locked, with 6 fathoms
water and a clear bottom, we anchored to wait the return of day.