R O U N D T H E W O R L D .
without permiflion o f the refpeâive courts, and that the Englifh Ihould
not pafs to the fouth o f Fuca.
After enumerating thefe particulars, Sen1'- Quadra concludes his letter
by expreffing, That if I Ihould' find any difficulty in reconciling what he
had propofed, or if I Ihould have any other honorable medium to offer
that might be the means of terminating this négociation, and fecure
the defired peace, he begged I would communicate it to him.
The documents accompanying this letter were copies of a correfpon-
dence between Serf’ Quadra and Dan Francifco Jofeph De Viana, the
commander of the Ephigenia ; Mr. Robert Gray and Mr. Jofeph Ingraham,
commanders of the Columbia and Wajhington ; from all of whom
Serf- Quadra appears to have folicited every information refpeSting the
tranfaftions at Nootka, previoufly to his arrival, and the reafons which
induced Mr. Meares to reprefent things to the prejudice of Don Eftevan
Jofeph Martinez. The PortUguefe captain briefly fets forth, that his veflel
was feized, and that he was made prifoner by Don Martinez ; during
his captivity he was very well treated, and on his being liberated his
veflel and cargo were completely reftored, and he was furnilhed with
■ whatever provifions and fupplies he required. He alfo liâtes, that
when Don Martinez entered Nootka, there was not the leaft remains
o f a houfe belonging to the Englifh.
Serf- Quadra had addreffed Mr. Gray and Mr. Ingraham jointly, and
confequently they both replied to him in. the fame way, Thefe gentlemen
Hate, that on the arrival of Don Eftevan Jofeph Martinez, in
Friendly cove, the 5th of may, 1789, he found there the Ephigenia
only ; the Columbia being at that time 6 miles up the found at Mah-
winna; the Walhington and North-Weft America being then on a
cruize. Martinez demanded the papers of each veflel, and their reafons
why they were at anchor in Nootka found, alledging, that it belonged
to his Catholic Majefty. Captain Viana, of the Portuguefe veflel, an-
fwered, that he had put in there in diftrefs to wait the arrival of Captain
Meares from Macao, who was daily expefted with fupplies, and that on
his receiving them he Ihould depart; that Captain Meares had failed from
Nootka in 1788, under the colours of Portugal, had a Portuguefe