ÓÊiobe'r The mean of the whole, collectively taken; being forty-
-— *~—J nine fets by myfelf; and fifty-feven by Mr. Whidbey ; ,
amounting in all to one hundred and fix fets of lunar dif-
tancesj gave the longitude - - - z33° 3^' 3°"
B y which our obfervations place Nootka found about 20' 30" to the
eaftward o f the longitude afligned to it by Captain Cook, and about
10' to the eaftward of Serf: Malafpina’s obfervations'; whence it Ihould
feem to appear, that our inftruments for the longitude were erring; on
the eaftern fide.
Although I fliould have been .very happy to fubfcribe to the
longitude: as fettled by aftronomers of (iiperior abilities;; yet,- on the
prefent occafion, fuch a conceflion would have' been attended with a
verymaterial inconvenience, in deranging the pofition of-the different
parts o f the coaft that have already been furveyed, and laid down by
our own obfervations. For this elfential reaifon, I have been induced to
retain the meridian of Nootka, as afcertained by our own Obfervations,
which Ihewed Kendall’s chronometer, on our arrival,. to be. 26' 45"
to the. eaftward of what I have confidered as ,the true longitude; and
as I had reafon to believe this error commenced about the time o f our
departure from Defolation found, and that it had been regularly.increa-
fingj fince that period, the longitude has. been correQed both in my
journals and charts from that ftation.
On this authority, the errors of the chronometers have been found,
which, on the 5th of October at noon, were as fo l lo w ( v iz .) .
Kendall fall of mean time at Greenwich - j 1 13' 43" 41"'
And gaining, per day, on mean time, deduced from
thirty-fix fets o f correfponding altitudes, at the rate of 11" 13"'
Arnold’s No. 82, On board the Chatham, fall of mean
time at Greenwich - - - - 4k 3' 33" 41'''
And gaining, per day, on mean time, at the rate of 28" 7'"
Arnold’s No. 14, from the Daedalus, fall of mean time at
Greenwich - - - - - - 42' 4" 41"'
And gaining, per day, on mean time, at the rate of 14" 45"'
Arnold’s No. 176, fall o f mean time at Greenwich . 2h 16' 38" 41"'
R O U N D T H E W O R L D .
And gaining, per day, on mean time, at the rate of
Earnlhaw’s pocket watch, fall of mean time at Greenwich 1
And gaining, per day, on mean time, at the rate of
The calculations by the Pottfmouth rate of Kendall’s
chronometer have hitherto been noticed, in order to {hew
the degree of accuracy with which it had gone, according
to its then afcertained motion, in encountering the various
climates it had palled through fince our departure
from that por t; but as I have no fimilar documents, or
the leaft information, refpeciing the three chronometers I
received from the Daedalus, to compare 'with the going
of Kendall’s, thofe calculations from hence will ceafe to
attract Our attention.
The latitude of the obfervatory, by thirty meridional
altitudes of the fun - -
The variation o f the compafs, by thirty fets, o f azimuths,
taken by three different com paffes, varying from 1
16° to 218, gave the mean refult - -
The vertical inclination o f the magnetic needle.
Marked end, North face Eaft, - -
Ditto, Weft, - - - ' I a
Marked end, South face Eaft, - - ' .
Ditto, Weft,
Mean inclination of the marine dipping needle
49° 34' 20"
18° 22' eaft