his favorite weapons he had feemed dejected. He now (hook me very
—------ ; heartily by the hand, and faid, fince arms and ammunition were tabooed,
he mutt acknowledge that the prefents he and. his friends had received
were very ample, and that they had reafon to be highly fatisfied. Enemoh
recommended in the llrongell terms the attendance o{ Nomateehetee and
Toff on our paflage to Onchow, where they would be very ferviceable in
procuring us the' different produflions, and would prevent any diforderly
behaviour on the part o f the inhabitants. His opinion of-his own importance
was greatly flattered by our faluting him with four guns on his
departure; and he took leave with every appearance of being extremely
gratified with his vifit.
Mr. Puget, who had to execute the remaining part o f his embaffy,
attended the venerable old chief and his fuite on board thé Chatham,
where they, paid their refpeHs to Mr. Broughton; and, having received
fome prefents from that gentleman, they proceeded to the fhore. On
landing, Enemoh expofed the feveral articles which had been given to
him, and recounted the treatment he had received.
Although Mr. Puget was much pleafed with the fatisfadlion and happi-
nefs which the vifit had afforded all prefent, he was much difappointed on
underftanding that the embarkation of thé prince and his young friend
would not take place. On his fearching for the caufe of this fudden alteration,
and pointing out to Enemoh the reception he had met, the prefents he
had received, and afluring him, that we had no wifh or defire but- to fhew
the fame marks of refpeft and friendfhip to Tamooere, which he had given
us an opportunity of paying to him (all of which were readily admitted) ;
Enemo, with fome hefitation, explained; and at length the reafon was
dilcovered to have proceeded from their having obferved, that the two
gentlemen who had been left as hoflages, were down on the beach near
the boats, and they fuppofed were going on board without waiting the
return o f the prince to the fhore. Mr. Puget inftantly removed their
apprehenfions, when all objeftions ceafed; and the prince and his young
companion were now as eager to get to the boat, as they before had
been willing to return on the demur ■ of the regent; from whom Mr.
Puget underflood, that fome hogs. and vegetables were every minute
expected to arrive. But not thinking it advifeable to wait, left any other ^ 79^
objection might arife and detain the prince on fhore,' he immediately i----
put off, leaving Mr. Manby and Mr. Sheriff in their former fituation as
I was much pleafed with the appearance and behaviour o f this young
prince; who feemed to be about twelve years of age. In his countenance
was exhibited much affability and cheerfulnefs ; and, on clofely
obferving his features, they had infinitely more the refemblance of an
European, than of thófe which generally charadlerize thefe iflanders ; being
deftitute o f that natural ferocity fo confpicuous in the pérfons about
him. In thefe refpeas, and in the quicknefs of his comprehenfion and
ideas, he greatly furpaffed his young friend and companion Tipoone.
At firft,'he was not without confiderable agitation, marked as evidently
by the fenfibility of his countenance, as by his aftions; in conftantly
clinging to me, and repeatedly faluting me according to their cuf-
tom, by touching nofès. I foon dilfipated his fears by a few trifling
prefents, and encouraged him to vifit every part of thé fhip. His inquiries
and obfervations, on this occafion, were not* as might have
been expeHed from his' aget' direfted to trivial matter^ ; which either
efcaped his notice, or were by him deemed unworthy of i t ; but to fuch
ciicumftances alone, as would have authorized queftions from perfons
of matured years and fome experience. He conduced himfelf with a
great degree o f good breeding, and applied to Rowbottoni or Williams,
who were with him, to know if he might be permitted, or it were proper,
to make this, or that inquiry; and never moved forward, or fat down,
without firft inquiring, if, by fo doing, he fhould incur any difpleafure.
It was now about our dinner-time. His young friend Tipoone did not
fail to partake of our repaft, whilft the prince feemed infinitely more
entertained with the feveral new objefts that furrounded him, and, I
believe, would have returned to the fhore perfeftly fatisfied with his
vifit, had I offered him nothing more. Confidering, however, that
fome acknowledgment was due for their care, and honefty in reftormg
not only the articles, which through neceflity had been committed
to their charge, but fuch as were recovered from the fe a ; when