M k treated by the Englifh, as they had been by the Spaniards. He feemed
v---- ----- > at length convinced by Sen1- Quadras arguments, and became reconciled
by his aflurances that his fears were groundlefs. On this occafion
I could not help obferving with a mixture of furprize and pleafure, how
much the Spaniards had fucceeded in gaining the good opinion and
confidence of thefe people; together with the very orderly behaviour,
fo confpicuoufly evident in their conduft towards the Spaniards on all
The tents, obfervatory, chronometer, inflruments, &c. were fent on
ThurHay 30. fhore the following day, and all hands were bufily employed on the feveral
necelfary duties of the Ihip, fuch as caulking, overhauling the rigging
and fails, cleaning the hold and bread room for the reception o f
ftores and provifions. The boats, in confequence o f the fervices they
had performed during the fummer, were in want of much repair, and
were hauled on Ihore for that purpofe.
From the unfortunate death of Lieutenant Richard Hergeft, late agent
to the Daedalus, I confidered it expedient that an officer Ihould be appointed
to that ftorefhip, and I therefore nominated Lieutenant James Hanfon o f
the Chatham to that office; Mr. James Johnflone, mafler of the Chatham,
I appointed to the vacant lieutenancy ; and Mr. Spelman Swaine,
one of my mates, to be mafler in the Chatham.
In the forenoon I received an official letter from Sen’- Quadra refpef-l-
ing the rellitution of this place, with feveral copies of a correfpondence
refulting from the inquiries he had made during his refidence here, re-
fpefting the Englifh eftablifhments on this coafl, at the time the Britifh
veflels were captured, and the Spaniards effefted an eflablifhment at
Nootka. On this occafion I confidered myfelf very fortunate in finding
a young gentleman, (Mr. Dobfon,) on board the flore-fhip, who fpoke
and tranflated the Spanifh language very accurately, and who politely
offered me his fervices.
The Chatham was hauled on fhore the next day to examine her bottom,
and to repair the damage fhe had fuflained by getting a-ground.
A part of the gripe, a piece of the fore-foot, with part o f the main, and
falfe keels, were broken off, and fome of the copper was torn away in
different places. —v—J'
Sen” - Galiano and Valdes arrived the following day from the gulph o f Saturday a.
Georgia; they had purfued a route through Queen Charlotte’s found to
the fouthward o f that which we had navigated, and obligingly favored
me with a copy of their furvey of it.
Mr. Dobfon having tranflated Sen’- Quadra’s letter and the documents
accompanying it, it appeared that Sen’ Quadra had, after his arrival at
Nootka in april, 1792, commiffioned all the veffels under his command
to infpefl the coafl; in order that the proper limits to be propofed in the
rellitution of thefe territories might be afcertained, and that the feveral
commanders might inform themfelves of all the matters and circum-
flances that preceded the capture o f the Argonaut and Princefs Royal
merchantmen in the year 1789.
Sen’- Quadra flated, that the court of Spain had expended large fums
in fuflaining the department of St. Bias, with the foie view o f its being—
an auxiliary to other eflablifhments which were then in contemplation of
being formed. That Nootka was feen in the year 1774, and in 1775
poffeflion was taken 2° to the fouth, and 6° to the north of i t ; and as in
this fpace Don Eflevan Jofeph Martinez found no kind of eflablifhment
whatever, that therefore no one fhould take it ill that he (Martinez)
fhould difpute his prior right to the port. Under the orders of the viceroy
of New Spain, Martinez entered Nootka, and took poflefnon the
5th of may, 1789, with vifible demonflrations of joy in the Indians ; and
afterwards fortified the place, without any objection being made on the
part of a Portuguefe commander of a trading brig called the Ephigenia,
then in the cove. On the arrival of the Columbia and Wafhington
American veffels, he examined their papers and paffports, as he had before
done thole of the Portuguefe; and difapproving fome expreffions
contained in thofe o f the Columbia, fhe was detained until an explanation
took place, when fhe was releafed. The Englifh fchooner North Weft
America, and floop Princefs Royal, arrived foon afterwards, and were
permitted to depart after receiving the moll friendly attention. Captain.
Colnett commanding the Englifh veflel Argonaut, fearing to enter, the
3 D 2 Spaniards •