»79** Mr. Puget, nine fets taken between the 28th o f march and
May. , „ p , ,,
-— I 9th of ap ril, - - - - - ' 237 1 9 5
Mr. Whidbey, fifty-eight ditto, the 26th of march and
12th o f june, - - - - 237°. 23' 38"
Mr. Orchard, fifty-three ditto, ditto - 23.70 22'
Mr. J. Stewart, twenty-four ditto, the 27th of march and
29th of april, - - - - - 2370 25' 50"
Mn Ballard, thirty-eight ditto, ditto - 2370 22' 13"
Myfelf thirty-eight ditto, the 28th o f march and 5th of
may, - - - - . - - 237° 21' 9''
Hence, the longitude of the obfervatory deduced from the
mean refult o f the above obferved diftances of the (C a O
and ftars, was - - - - ^ 237° 23'19"
On our arrival in port Difcovery the chronometer, by
the Portfmouth rate, on the 4th of may, fhewed - 237“ 51'
B y the Otaheitean rate, - - - 235° 59'
Mr. Arnold’s chronometer on board the Chatham, by
the Otaheitean rate, - - - - 235° 27'
From the above obfervations and nine days córrefponding altitudes,
Kendal’s chronometer was found, on the 13th of may at noon, to be
fall of mean time at Greenwich 45' 46", and to be gaining on mean
time at the rate of 11" 55"' per day. By the fame, obfervations', Mr.
Arnold’s, on the 13th of may at noon, was fall of mean time at Greenwich
2h 56' 49", and was gaining on mean time at the rate of 27" per
The latitude o f the obfervatory, by the mean refult of
nine meridian altitudes, was - - - 48° 2' 30"
The variation, by all our compaffes, in eleven fets of
azimuths, differing from 20° to 26°, gave their mean refult,
- - - - - - 210 30'
T h e
R O U N D T H E W O R L D .
The v e r tic al inclination o f the magnetic needle.
M a rk ed end N o r th face E a fl
D itto W e ft
D itto S o u th fa c e E a ft
D it to W e ft
73° 50'
75° 57'
72° 1 7 '
75° 55'
M e an v e r tic a l inclinatibn o f the N o r th p o in t o f the mariné
d ip p in g needle - - ' - - - ' 74° 3 ° ’
In p o r t D ifc o v e r y , the tide was o bferv ed to flow on th e fu ll o f the
moon, ab ou t ten fe e t; and was-high w a te r 3h 50' after the m oon p a lled
th e meridian.