January. nearty the fame number of obfervations, made with the fame inftru-
1— \r— / ments at point Venus, and the fun on the fame fide the moon as when
the obfervations were taken off Oparo, I placed that point 7' 38" to the
eaftward of the truth.
Mr. Arnold’s chronometer on board the Chatham, when taken to the
obfervatory, was found to be fall of mean time at Greenwich on the
20th o f january at noon 201 o' 25" 46"’, and to be gaining at the rate of
19" 51'" 24"" per day.
The variation o f the magnetic needle, with all our cards, and com-
pafles, in fifteen fets of azimuths, varied from 70 30’ to y ” 30’ call variation,
giving their mean refult 6° 1 2', and the vertical inclination as under:
Marked end, North face Eaft . . .
Ditto, ditto . Weft .
Ditto, South face Eaft -
Ditto, ditto _ Weft .
3° 15
3 f° ,13
3°g 43'
3°° 47.'
The mean vertical inclination of the South point o f the dip.
ping needle_ - - - . 3°° 53'
V isit the Sandwich Islands; proceed to survey the
coast of N ew A lbion; pass through an inland
Port St. Francisco.
C H A P T E R I.
Paffage to the Sandwich ijlands— Arrive o ff Owhyhee— Vifit from Tianna,
and other chiefs— Leave Towereroo at Owhyhee— Proceed to leeward—
Anchor in Whyteete bay in Waohoo— Arrival at Attowai.
O l J R friends having quitted us foon after noon on tuefilay the 24th, 1792.
we direfted our courfe to the northward, and notwithftanding we had . Jan“aly-.
now been nearly .ten months ablent from England, it was not until the TueHay 24‘
prefent moment that our voyage could be confidered as commenced;
having now for the firft time pointed our veflels’ heads towards the grand
objeft of the expedition. I cannot help mentioning that I felt, on this
occafion, very confiderable regret for the little progrefs we had hitherto
made. It was now within a few days o f the time I had calculated,
agreeably to the arrangements in England, that we fhould be quitting
the Sandwich iflands, which were yet at the remote diftance o f nearly
800 leagues. One fatisfaftory reflection however was, that we had not
been retarded by any mifpent time, or inexcufable delays ; and that although
a month had been devoted to the examination of the fouth-weft
part of New Holland, that period was, without doubt, not unprofitably
employed. Adverfe winds, and the indifferent failing of the veflels had
principally operated to prevent our being further advanced.
A light