ten, we anchored in Matavai Bay. Our mutual gratulations on meeting
were extremely heightened, by receiving and communicating the happy
tidings, that every individual compofing the fociety of each veffel was in
a moll perfeft Hate of health. Mr. Broughton had, fince his arrival,
received repeated marks of friendlhip and attention from the good people
of the ifland Having deemed it expedient to eftabliffi the following
regulations on board the Difcovery, I delivered a copy o f them to Mr.
Broughton, and direfled that the rules might be llriftly obferved and
attended to on board the Chatham; after which, Mr. Broughton pre-
fented me with a narrative of his proceedings during the time of our
R u l e s and O r d e r s for the guidance and conduit of all perfons in,
or belonging to, his Majefty’s {loop Difcovery and Chatham tender ; enjoined
to be moll ftrictly obferved in all intercourfe with the natives oP
the feveral South Sea iflands.
The principal, and indeed foie delign, o f the Difcovery and Chatham
calling at the iflands in the pacific ocean, being to acquire fuch refreft-
ments as thofe iflands may be found to afford; and as thefe refrelhments
are to be purchafed with articles which Europeans efteem of little value;—
i f each individual be permitted to make fuch bargains as he may think
proper, not only the value of thefe articles will foon be reduced in the
eftimation of the Indians, but, until a proper and good underftanding
be eftablilhed between the natives of the different iflands, and ourfelves, it
may fubjeEl us to fuch difturbanCes as may be attended with the moll fatal
confequences. And as a due proportion o f time will be allowed before the
veffels depart from any ifland, (circumftances admitting thereof) for the
providing fuch articles of curiofity, &c. as any'perfon may be inclined
and able to purchafe:
It is, Firft, ftri&ly enjoined, that no officer, feaman, or other perfon,
in fuch commerce with the Indians, do give fuch articles of value, for
any article o f curiofity, as may tend hereafter to depreciate the value of
iron, beads, &c. &c.
Secondly, That every fair means be ufed to cultivate a friendlhip with
the different Indians, and on all occafions to treat them with every degree
of kindnefs and humanity.
Thirdly, As proper perfons will be appointed by the refpeflive com- *79*-
manders to trade with the natives, for the neceffary provifions and re- <_.v —
frefhments; it is ftriftly enjoined that no officer, feaman, or other perfon,
excepting him or them fo appointed, do on any pretence, prefume
to trade, or offer to trade, for; any article whatever, until permiffion
ffiall have been granted for fo doing.
„■ Fourthly, Every perfon employed- on fliore, on any duty whatever, is
ftri£lly-,tq attend to the fame: and i f it ffiould appear that by neglefl,
any of the arms, working toojg, boats, furniture,; or other matters committed
to the charge of one or more perfons, be loft, or'fuffered to be
ftolen, the full value of the fame will be charged againft his, or their
wages, and he or they will likewlle fuffer fuch other puniffiment, as the
nature of the offence may deferve ; and as the additional pay, and the emoluments
of the artificers, ferving in his Majefty’s navy, is for their encouragement,
and the diligent performance of their duty in their refpeclive
trades or Occupations,' and for providing themlelves with the requifite
working tools, all fuch implements or tools belonging to the feveral artificers
of the two veffels, are by their refpeElive owners to be carefully
preferved, that they.may be always able to perform the duties of their
refpeftive departments; and fliould any one be hardy enough to fail in
his obedience to this order, he ffiall be difrated from his employment
during the continuance of the voyage, and fuffer fuch- other puniffiment
as the crime may deferve;
Laftly, The fame penalty will be inflifled on every perfon, who ffiall
be found to embezzle, or be concerned in embezzling, or offering to
trade with, any part of the ffiips or boats ftores, furniture, &c. & c, be
thefe of what nature foever.
Given on board his Majefty’s floop Difcovery, at fea, the 25th
of December, 1791.
• (Sighed) ■
V o t - L M CHA PTER