December ^red yards on the other fide, the interview took place. We found Otoo
<- —v----' to be a boy of about nine or ten years of age. He was carried on the
ffioulders of a man, and was clothed in a piece o f Englilh red cloth,
with ornaments of pigeon’s feathers hanging over his fhoulders. When
we had approached within about eight paces, we were defired to flop : the
prefent we had brought was exhibited; and although its magnitude, and
the value of the articles it contained, excited the admiration of the by-
ftanders in the higheft degree, it was regarded by this young monarch
with an apparently ftern and cool indifference. It was not immediately
to be prefented ; a certain previous ceremony was neceflary. Not con-
fidering myfelf fufficiently mailer of the language, I applied for affiftance
to an inferior chief named Moerree, (who had been ufeful to Mr.
Broughton) to-be my prompter. A t firft he ufed fome pains, but not
finding me fo apt a fcholar as he expected, he foon took the whole office
. upon himfelf. He anfwered for our peaceable and friendly intentions,
and requefted fupplies of provifions, and a pledge of good faith towards
us, with as much confidence as if he had been intimately acquainted with
our wifhes and defigns. Our fituation on this occafion was fimilar to
that o f his Otaheitean majefly, who condefcended to fay but a few words,
a perfon by his fide fparing him that trouble by going through all the
formal orations. A ratification of peace and mutual friendfhip being
acknowledged on both fides, and thefe ceremonies concluded, which took
up fifteen or twenty minutes, the different European articles compofing
the prefent, were, with fome little form, prefented to Otoo; and on his
ffiaking hands with us, which he did very heartily, his countenance became
immediately altered, and he received us with the greatefl cheerful-
nefs and cordiality. He informed me, that his father, my former acquaintance
and friend, was at Morea, and requefted I would fend thither
a boat for him; for, as the iflanders were much accuftomed to raife falfe
reports, Pomurrey would not believe that I was arrived without feeing
fome of us, by whom he would be convinced. He alfo added, that if we
fhould fail without feeing his father, he would pot only be very much
concerned, but very angry. This language being in the mouths o f every
one around us, and feeling a great, defire to fee an old friend who had
evér conduced himfelf with propriety, and appeared firmly attached to 179' -
our intereft, I promifed to comply with the young king’s requeft. The i . ~T'-
fiiffufions of joy, and a readinefs to oblige, were evident in the countenances
of all whom we met. Their inftant compliance with all our re-
quefts, and their eagernefs to be foremoft in performing any little friendly
office, could not be obferved without the molt grateful'emotions. Each
o f us’was prefented with a quantity of cloth, a large hog, and fome vegetables
; after which we returned bn board extremely well pleafed with
our vifit and reception.
My original intention in calling here was for the foie purpofe o f recruiting
our water, and obtaining a temporary fupply of freffi provifions;
but on further confideration I was convinced, that we ffiould not find any
place this wintèr, where the neceflary duties we had to perform before
we could proceed to the coaft of America, would be fo well done, or
executed with fo much eafe and convenience, as in our prefent fituation.
A fmall boat for the Chatham was to be built, and a great repair was neceflary
to her large cutter. The timber cut in Dulky bay wanted to be
fawn into planks for many other immediate and effential purpofes. Thefe
matters required immediate attention, and could not fo properly be executed
on board: befide which, the known accuracy with which the fituation
of this ifland is fettled, made me anxious to land our chronometers,
for the purpofe o f afeertaining their error, and rate of going, which had
lately become fomewhat equivocal. Thefe reafons induced me to determine
on giving the veffels every equipment here they required, which
would have the further convenience of fhortening our vifit this feafon at
the Sandwich iflands. Directions were therefore given, that the fails
ffiould be unbent, the topmafts, &c. ftruck, and that a thorough examination
of the rigging and fails ffiould take place. The Difcovery’s carpenters
were ordered to affift thofe of the Chatham, in building and repairing
her boats, flawing out the plank, and all other neceflary fervices
that circumftances rendered praöicable, were, by the feveral artificers,
put in a train of execution.
Agreeably to the promife made to Otoo, Mr. Mudge, accompanied by
Mr. Menzies, was on faturday difpatched to the ifland of Morea for Saturday 3<.