Fam. 1, Plate 16.
Figs. 4, 5.
DORIS OBLONGA, Alder and Hancock.
D. oblonga, convexa; pallio lutescente, fusco-maculato, tuberculis acutis, spiculosis obtecto; ten- ♦
taculis, subcrassis; brancbiis 7, pinnatis, albidis, non retractilibus: capite velato.
Doris oblonga, Aid. and Hanc., in Ann. Nat. Hist., v. 16. p. 314.
Hab. In deepish water off Berry Head, Torbay, J. A.
Body about half an inch long, slender, oblong-ovate, tapering behind, rather convex in
the middle of the back.and flattish at the sides. Cloak pale straw-coloured, freckled and
spotted with umbre-brown; densely spiculose, and covered with moderately-sized, conical,
spiculose, pointed papillae. Dorsal tentacles yellowish, without sheaths, rather thick, and very
finely laminated, ending in an obtuse point. Branchial plumes about seven, pinnate, non-
retractile, yellowish white, moderately long, and not much spreading. They are surrounded
by a circle of large tubercles. Head furnished with a large semicircular veil. Foot rather
narrow, nearly straight and slightly notched in the centre in front, tapering to an obtuse
point, which does not extend beyond the cloak, behind.
We know of no other Doris with which this species can be readily confounded. It was
obtained by dredging at the same time and place with the last, but was in a sickly state, and
died soon after it was brought on shore.