Plate 46. Supplementary.
The figures represent a single row of spines in each tongue; or, in the broad tongues,
half, or such other portion of a row as is necessary to show the varying character of the
spines. Our space would not allow us to figure all the tongues of which we have made
drawings : we have, however, given the more striking and typical forms, and descriptions of
the others will be inserted, with a comparative reference to those that are figured. Of the
species omitted in the descriptions the tongues have not been examined.
The number of rows of spines increases with age, so that the numbers given in the
descriptions can, in most cases, only be considered as an approximation. Care has been
taken, however, where it was possible, to make the calculation from full-grown specimens.
Sub-Fam. Doridina.
* Tongue broad.
Doris tuberculata. Lateral spines numerous, 70 to 72 on each side, decreasing towards the centre,
stout, smooth, strongly hooked. No central spine. 40 to 43 rows. 72*0-72. Fig. 1 ; and
Fam. 1, PI. 1, figs. 6, 7, 8, 9.
D. flammea. Lateral spines 35 or 36 on each side, similar in form to the last. No central spine.
25 rows. 36*0-36.
D. Zetlandica. Lateral spines numerous, long and slender, subclavate, minutely denticulated on the
inner margin; decreasing abruptly towards the centre. No central spine. (The exact
number of rows, or of spines in a row, could not be made out.) Fig. 2. a, a spine enlarged;
b, portion of the same more enlarged.
D. millegrana. Lateral spines about 50 on each side, gradually decreasing towards the centre, stout,
smooth, strongly hooked; 5 or 6 of the extreme laterals small, slightly bifid, and minutely
denticulated. No central spine. About 32 rows ; dark amber-coloured. 50-0-50. Fig. 3.
D. Johnstoni. Lateral spines about 25 on each side, stoutish, hooked, smooth; 5 of the extreme
laterals slender, diminishing outwards, set at a different angle from the »others. No central
spine. 24 rows; pale straw coloured. 25-0*25. Fig. 4.
D. planata. Lateral spines about 30 on each side, long, stoutish, slightly hooked, smooth, diminishing
gradually towards the centre; 9 or 10 of the extreme laterals smaller, very slender, arched,
diminishing outwards. No central spine. (Number of rows not made out.) Colour pale
yellowish-brown. 30-0-30. Fig. 5.