1. I, klbgaks, Lmck. Rose-coloured, freckled, the processes orange-yellow; anterior filaments 2 ;
lateral filaments numerous, irregular, the posterior ones ohtuse, lobular; dorsal filaments
B,_ 3 on the median line, and 2 sub-lateral; branchial plumes 18 (the anterior and posterior
ones bifid); foot margined with yellow. Length 1J inch. PI. 27, Jigs. 1 4.
2. I. L bachii, A. and H. 'White; filaments very long; anterior 4, lateral 6 on each side, the posterior
ones bifid; dorsal filaments numerous, in 3 or 5 rows; branchial plumes 11 (the anterior
one bifid). Length 1 inch. Pl. 27, fig* 5,
Section 2. Centre of the back without filaments.
Lingual spines next tAe centre large, recurved and strongly denticulated; lateral spines
much hooked. Spinous collar incomplete, bilobed.
3. I. aspersa, A and H . Reddish or yellowish, freckled with orange and reddish-brown j anterior
filaments 4 (2 close to the base of each tentacle) of equal length, long; lateral filaments
short, 3 or 3 on each side near the branchiae ; branchial plumes 10 (the anterior and posterior
ones bifid), short, equal, forming a circle. Length J inch. PL 26, Appendix (12), p. iv.
4. I. injequalis, For. Gray, speckled with yellow and brown ; anterior filaments 4 (2 near the base of
each tentacle), unequal, the exterior ones longest; lateral filaments short, 5 or 6 on each
side ; branchial plumes 9 (the anterior one bifid), slender, diminishing posteriorly. Length
1 inch. Appendix (13), p. v.
5. I. pxjlchella, A. and H. Freckled with pale lilac; tentacles sub-clavate; anterior filaments 4,
set on an expanded pallial ridge; lateral filaments 5 or 6 on each side, the last large and
bifid; branchial plumes 11 (the anterior one bifid), rather small, diminishing posteriorly.
Length ^ inch. Appendix (14), p. v.
6. I. quauiucoukis, Mont. Mottled brown and white; anterior filaments 2 (1 near the base of
each tentacle), long; lateral filaments small, obscure; branchial plumes 8 or 9. Length
| inch. Appendix (15), p. v.
Fam. 2. T r it o NIADAS. Branchiae plumose or tufted, set along the sides of the back. Liver
entire, central. Skin without spicula.
Gen u s 9. TRITONIA, Cu v ie r .
Body sub-quadrilateral. Branchiae plumose or laminated, set on a pallial ridge along the
sides of the back. Tentacles 2, fasciculated, with plain sheaths. Veil digitated. Anus
lateral. Lion. 2, PI. 1.
Tbajwc bread, will very numerous, simple or denticulated lateral spines a tricuspid central spine,
and a plate on eacl side of it. Large corneous jams.
1 T. Homukrgti, Ckn. Purplish-brown or flesh-coloured, strongly tuberculated; veil bilohed, with
numerous small digitations; branch!® plumose, sub-foliaceous, formiug a nearly continuous
line on each side. Length 3 to 6 inches. PI. 2.
2 T. alba, A. and H. Transparent white with opaque white transverse markings, rather depressed,
smooth, or very faintly tuberculated; branchim imperfectly bipinnate, 4 or 5 on each side,
with intermediate smaller ones, set on an expanded and waved pallial margin ; veil bilohed
with irregular digitations. Length | inch. Appendix (16), p. vi.
3 T plkbeia Johns. Marbled with brown and yellowish above, subquadrate; veil entire, with 8
points; branchi® small, bipinnate, 5 or 6 on each side. Length 1 inch. Pl. 3.
4 T uNBATA A. and H. Transparent white, very slender, with a line of opaque white down each
side of the back; veil with 4 linear processes; branchi® small, pinnate, 5 on each side.
Length | inch. Pl. 4
Genus 9 bis. SCYLL/EA, Linnasus.
Body compressed, with large lobes on each side of the back, bearing the branchiee in
small tufts on their inner surface. Tentacles 2, laminated, with large sheaths. Fam. 2, Pl. 5.
Tongue broad, with numerous lateral spines and a central spine, all denticulated. Corneous
jam .
1. S. pelagic a, Linn. Cream-coloured, transparent, with 2 large branchial lobes on each side of the
hack, and a posterior dorsal crest; tentacular sheaths trumpet-shaped, frilled posteriorly.
Length 1J inch. Appendix (17), p. vi.
am. 3. E olididas. Branchi® papillose or fusiform, rarely ramose, set along the sides of the
back. Liver diffused. Skin without spicula.
Sub-Fam. Dendronotinal Tentacles 2, laminated, retractile within sheaths. Branching
branched or papillose. Veil with processes. Anus lateral.
Genus 10. LOMANOTUS, Verany.
Body subquadrilateral. Branchiae papillose or foliaceous, arranged in a nearly continuous
line on a pallial ridge on the sides of the back. Tentacles 2, with tight sheaths. (Eumenis,
A. and H.> included in Pl. 5 o f Fam. 2.) Appendix (18), p. vii.
Tongue broad, with numerous denticulated spines: no central spine. Corneous jam .
1. L. marmoratus, A. and H. Olivaceous, marbled with brown and white; tentacles with smooth sheaths;
branchim formiug a nearly continuous waved line of papill® on each side of the hack.
Length , inch. Fam. 3, PL 1« (Eumenis marmorata).
2. L. flacidus, A. and If. Palo lemon-yellow; tentacles with tuberculated sheaths ; branchi® papillose,
mostly short, with a few longer ones at regular intervals, all ringed with fawn-colour.
Length J inch. PL 41, Jigs, 6, 7.
Genus 11. DENDRONOTUS, Alder and Hancock.
Body compressed, without cloak. Branchiee ramose, set in single series on each side of
the back. Tentacles with branched sheaths. Veil branched. Fam. 3, Pl. 2.
Ibngtte rather narrow, with numerous lateral spines, and a large central spine, all denticulated.
Corneous jam .
1» -D< arborkscens, Mull. Reddish, marbled with brown; veil much branched; branch!® 6 or 7 on
each side. Length 1 to 2 inches. PL 3.