b. Lingual spines long, slender, denticulated.
3. D. Zetlandica, A. and H. White; cloak with, large, soft, conical, pointed, unequal tubercles;
dorsal tentacles linear; branchial plumes 6, bipinnate. Length inch. Appendix (1), p. i.
** Oral tentacles linear.
Lingual spines o f two kinds, various: no central spine. Occasionally with a spinous
buccal collar.
4. D. millegrana, A. and H. Yellow or orange (?), cloak covered with minute, granular tubercles;
branchial plumes 6, bipinnate. Length 1, inch. Appendix (2), p. i.
5. D. J ohnstoni, A. and H. Yellowish-white or yellow, with a few minute brown spots; cloak
covered with minute, close-set, pilose tubercles; dorsal tentacles clavate; branchial plumes
15, tripinnate, forming a cup. Length 1, to 2 inches. PI. 5.
6. D. planata, A and H. Very flat, variegated brown and yellowish, with very unequal, soft, warty
tubercles; dorsal tentacles subclavate; branchial plumes 7, small, tripinnate, mottled.
Length 1 inch. PI. 8.
7. D. coccinea, For. Scarlet, with a few minute black spots; cloak minutely tuberculated; dorsal tentacles
broadly clavate; branchial plumes 10, small, simply pinnate, erect. Length 5 inch. PI. 7.
*** Oral tentacles flattened.
Lingual spines denticulated; a small central spine. A spinous buccal collar.
8. D. repanda, A. and H. Waxy white; cloak with small, rather distant, soft tubercles; a row of
sulphur-yellow or opaque white spots down each side; dorsal tentacles subclavate; branchial
plumes 5, tripinnate, small. Length 1 inch. PI. 6, and Appendix (3), p.. ii.
Section 2. Branchiae simply pinnate, set separately in an open circle, non-retractile;
without oral tentacles, their place being supplied by a veil. Lamellidoris.
Tongue narrow ; lingual spines few.
* Body not greatly depressed; cloak with moderate-sized spicula; spawn of few coils,
Tongue with 2 large spines and 2 or more rudimentary ones ;* usually a quadrangular central
9. D. aspera, A. and H. White; cloak with stout, flattish, clavate tubercles; tentacles sub-conical;
branchial plumes 11, small, erect. Length inch. PI. 9, figs. 1 9.
10. D. proxima, A. and H. Orange yellow; ' cloak with stout elliptical tubercles; tentacles subclavate;
branchial plumes 11. Length 5 inch. PI. 9, figs. 10 16.
1 1 . D. muricata, Mull. Yellowish-white; roundish, cloak with large, close-set, rounded, clavate
tubercles; branchial plumes 8— 10 (Lov). Length $5 inch. Appendix (4), p. ii.
12. D. ulidiana, Thomp. Pale-yellow, oblong; cloak with rather large, unequal, depressed tubercles;
tentacles slender, linear; branchial plumes 11, beautifully white, set in a semicircle. Length
£ inch. Appendix, (5) p. ii.
13. D. diaphana, A. and H. Very transparent, white; cloak with equal, clavate, rather distant
tubercles; tentacles nearly linear, stout; branchial plumes 11, yellowish, set in an open,
incomplete circle; liver appearing through the skin very large and black. Length J inch.
PI. 10.
* To avoid repetition it may be stated here that the number of spines given in the descriptions
of the tongues has reference to a single transverse row only. The rows of spines are numerous.
14. D. obionoA, A. and H. Yellowish with brown spots, oblong, tapering behind; cloak with conical
spicnlose tubercles; tentacles subclavate; branchial plumes 7, rather close, surrounded by a
circle of large tubercles. Length J inch. PI. 16; figs. 4, 5. . A ;
IB. D. bilamellata, Urn. Dull white, mottled and blotched with brown in a longitudinal direction,
cloak covered with large, unequal, clavate tubercles; tentacles linear; branchial plumes
20__29, small, disposed in a horse-shoe form, with the ends curved inwards; Length J to
‘ 1\ inch. PI. 11.
** Body very flat, with large spicula, symmetrically arranged; spawn of many narrow
Tongue with 2 large broad spines and 2 rudimentary ones; no central plate.
16. D. bepbessa, A. and H. Pale sandy-coloured, spotted with reddish-brown; very much.depressed;
cloak with linear pointed papilla, transparent, shewing the spicula conspicuously; tentacles
linear; branchial plumes 11, small, set in an open circle. Length ft inch. P I 12,
figs. 1—8.
17. D. inconspicua, A. and H. Purplish-white, with minute brown spots, not very much depressed;
cloak with small obtuse tubercles; tentacles subclavate, stout; branchial plumes 10, white,
set in an open circle. Length . inch. PI. 12,figs. 9 16.
18. D. pnsniA, A. and H. Pulvous, thickly covered with dark brown spots, ovate, depressed; cloak
with numerous conical tubercles; tentacles slender, conical, white; branchial plumes 9,
pure white, obtuse, set in a rather open circle. Length ft inch. Plate 13, and Appendix
(6), p. iii.
19. D. SPABSA, A. and H. Yellowish-white, with distant fulvous spots or blotches, depressed; cloak
with distant, roundish, rather flat tubercles; tentacles sub-conical, white blotched with
brown, with three or four tubercles surrounding the base of each; branchial plumes 9,
set in a rather open circle. Length I inch. PI. 14.
Section 3. Branchim united at the base, non-retractile; body convex; oral tentacles indis-
tinct, united into a veil. Acanthodons, Gray.
Tongue narrow, with 2 large denticulated spines and 6 or 8 rudimentary ones: no central spine.
A spinous buccal collar, with an under rudimentary yaw.
20. D. PIIOSA, Mull. White, yellow, brown, or blackish, very convex, subpellucid ; doak with slender,
pointed papilla!; tentacles long, slightly bent, with smAU denticulated sheaths; branchial
plumes 7 to 9, large and spreading, forming a star in the centre. Length 5 to 1. inch.
21. D. subotaubata, A. and H. White, subpellucid, rather elevated; cloak small, subquadrangular,
scarcely covering the head and foot, set with small conical papillae ; tentacles subclavate, with
smooth sheaths-; branchial plumes 7, large, spreading transversely; foot large and thick.
Length 1 inch. PI. 16, figs. 1, 2, 3 ; and Appendix (7), p. iii.
Sub-Fam. PolvCebinas. Cloak small or obsolete, generally with marginal appendages.
Genus 2. GONIODORIS, Forbes.
Cloak small, exposing the head, with a waved or scalloped margin, without appendages.
Dorsal tentacles 2, laminated, non-retractile. Oral tentacles flattened and angular. Branchial
plumes non-retractile. Fam. 1, PI. 17.