Section 2. With 2 posterior lateral gastro-hepatic vessels; reproductive organs with
2 external orifices.
Fam. 13. F ionid2e. Tentacles 4 simple; Franchise papillose, numerous; '
anus latero-dorsal; mouth with jaws . . 143. Fiona.
Fam. 14. H ermæidæ. Tentacles 2, dorsal ; branchise papillose ; anus
dorsal ; no jaws.
f44. Hermsea.
H 45. Stiliger.
t_46. Alderia.
Sub-Order—P e l libranchiata, A. and H.
Without special branchise; skin without spicula.
Tribe 1. Body limaciform.
Fam. 15. E lysiadjs. Tentacles 2 or 4 ; body furnished with 2 lateral 'j
expansions or folds; gastro-hepatic system, much branched ; .
anus latero-dorsal, in front of the heart; no jaws . J ^ Ely®*«
Fam. 16. L imaeontiad^ . Tentacles 2, or wanting; back without appen- ") 49. Acteonia.
dages; anus dorsal, posterior; no jaws
47. Placobranchus.
Tribe 2. Body cylindrical or compressed.
) 50. Limapontia.
Fam. 17. P hyllirrhoidæ. Tentacles 2, dorsal, linear, retractile; head"]
distinct ; tail compressed ; mouth with jaws ; anus lateral J
51. Phvllirrhiöe.
Sub-Order—Acan tho bra nchiata .
Fam. 1. Dorididoe.
Gen. 1. Doris, Linn. Body depressed; cloak-covering the head and foot;
branchise united at the base and retractile within a cavity;
dorsal tentacles laminated; with oral tentacles. Tongue broad,
with numerous spines in each row
a. Dorsal tentacles conical; oral tentacles tubercular; cloak
with hard spiculose tubercles. Lingual spines simple,
uniform ; no central spine
b. Dorsal tentacles conical; oral tentacles tubercular; cloak
with soft tubercles. Lingual spines long, linear, obtuse,
denticulated; no central spine
c. Dorsal tentacles clavate; oral tentacles linear. Lingual
spines of two forms; no central spine
D. tuberculata, Cuv.
D. Zetlandica, A. & H.
D. Johnstoni, A. & H.
d. Dorsal tentacles linear; oral tentacles angular, flattened.
Lingual spines denticulated; a small central spine. Mouth
with a spinous collar
e. Dorsal tentacles conical, partially retractile, and protected
by leaf-like appendages; oral tentacles linear or
tubercular; branchise linear, simply pinnate; cloak with
large tubercles. Lingual spines simple, uniform ; no central
spine. Glossodoris, Ehr.
f Dorsal tentacles conical; oral tentacles leaf-shaped;
branchiae each with several pinnate rays branching from
a footstalk; cloak very large, flat, and coriaceous. Lingual
spines ? Actinodoris, Ehr. .
g. ? With only two tentacles;'branchise in front of the anus,
not surrounding it. Lingual spines ? Actinocyclus,
Ehr. . . . .
h. ? Dorsal tentacles truncated; branchise small; cloak large,
carinated on the back. Lngualspines? Atagema, Gray.
Gen. 2. Chromodoris, A. and H. Body sub quadrilateral; cloak narrow,
exposing the foot, smooth; dorsal tentacles laminated,
retractile within plain or marginated cavities; oral tentacles
conical or tubercular; branchise linear, simply pinnate,
retractile ? Tongue ?
Gen. 3. Lamellidoris, A. and H. Body depressed; cloak large; dorsal
tentacles laminated; head with a veil; no oral tentacles ;
branchise simply pinnate, set in an open circle, non-retractile.
Tongue narrow, with few spines.
a. Body not greatly depressed; cloak with moderate-sized
spicula; spawn of few coils, cup-formed. Tongue with
2 large spines and 2 or more rudimentary ones; usually
a simple central plate
b. Body very flat, with large spicula, symmetrically
arranged; spawn of many narrow coils. Tongue with
2 large broad spines and 2 rudimentary ones ; no central
Gen. 4. H exabranchus, Ehr. Cloak very large and flat, with an undulating
margin; dorsal, tentacles laminated, kneed, retractile
within marginated cavities; oral tentacles large, ovate, with
scalloped edges; branchise generally in 6 tufts, set separately
round the vent and non-retractile. Tongue ?
Gen. 5. Acanthodoris, Gray. Body convex; cloak with soft conical
tubercles; dorsal tentacles laminated, retractile within marginated
cavities; oral tentacles leaf-shaped, united into a
veil; branchise united at the base, non-retractile. Tongue
narrow, with 2 large denticulated spines and 6 or 8 rudimentary
ones s no central plate. A spinous buccal collar, with a
rudimentary under jaw
D. repanda, A. & H.
D. verrucosa, Cuv.
D. cruenta, Q. & G.
A. vetulinus, Ehr.
D. carinata, Q. & G.
D. magnifies, Q. & G.
D. bilamellata, Linn.
D. depressa, A. & H.
H. pretextus, Ehr.
D. pilosa, Müll.