Plate 47. Supplementary.
Sub-Pam. Dendronotirus.
Lomanotus (Genei, Yer.) Tongue broad. Lateral spines numerous, 28 to 32 on each side, falcate,
broad at the base, denticulated on both edges; the spines diminish gradually towards the
centre, where they are set wide apart; they also diminish abruptly towards the outside.
No central plate. 28 rows; brown amber-coloured. 32-032. Pig. 1. The spines of
L ‘ marmoratus, represented Pam. 2, PI. 5, fig. 12, are of the same character as these, but
less numerous. We have been obliged, in this instance, to take our example from a foreign
species, the arrangement being imperfectly made out in L. marmoratus, in consequence of the
state of the specimen.
L. flamius. Tongue and spines similar to those of the above species. The number of rows and of
spines in each row were, not made out. Pale yellow.
Dmironotm arboreacens. Tongue rather narrow. Lateral spines 8 or 9 on each side, sublinear,
bent backwards in the middle, and terminating in a fine point; the outer edge denticulated;
they increase gradually towards the centre, excepting the last, which is small and truncated.
Central spine large, broad, spatulate, denticulated on each side; it is amber-coloured; the
lateral spines nearly colourless. 40 rows. 91-9. Fig. 2 ; and Fam. 3, PI. 2, figs. 6 7 8.
Sub-Fam. Melibirue.
Doto fragilis. Tongue very small and narrow, consisting of a single central plate, pointed at the
apex and arched at the base; the sides plain or subdenticulated. Above 100 rows. 0-1*0.
Pig. 3 ; and Fam. 3, PI. 4, figs. 4, 5, 6.
Z>. coronata. Like D. fragilis, but rather more distinctly denticulated at the sides^ Above 100
rows. 0-1*0.
Sub-Pam. Eolidirue.
Tongue narrow, generally a central plate only.
E. papilosa. Lingual plate broad, forming a single arch, bearing numerous uniform denticles
(about 46); base of plate with an amber-brown band. Upwards of 30 rows. 0-1*0. Pig. 4 ;
and Fam. 3, PI. 7, figs. 5, 6, 7.
E. glauca. Lingual plate rather broad, forming a double arch, with numerous denticles (averaging
about 33 on each'side, with a short, stout one .in the centre); the lower portion of the plate
yellowish, with a dark, purple-brown band above. 21 plates. Tongue tapering gradually
towards the front. 0-1-0. Fig. 5.