AAIhirxick del WWb^J üth, ü’ortL&.’Wesb. Int
Fiffs. 1 to 4.
I. rosea, maculata; filamentibns margine palliali numerosis, aurantiacis apicibus flavis, posticis
brevibus lobatis, anticis 2 elongatis, filamentibus dorsalibus 5 ; branchiis 18 elongatis; pede magno, .
luteo marginato.
Idalia elegant, Leuek., Breves Anim. Desc., p. 15, f. 2.
laciniosa, Phil., Enum. Moll. Sic., v. 2, p. 77, pl. 19, f. 5.
Hat. Dredged in fifteen fathoms, St. Peter’s Port, Guernsey, J. A.
Body an inch and a half long, rather stout and elevated on the dorsal area, pale rose-
coloured, freckled with darker spots of the same colour. Tentacles rather long, linear,
minutely laminated on the upper portion for about two-thirds down: the base of each tentacle
is rose-coloured, above which it-is‘white spotted with'red; theupperpart is deep rose-coloured
to nearly the apex, which is bright yellow. The palUal ridge is much expanded, and forms
a more distinct cloak than we have met with in any other, species of the genus; it has two
long rather stout and tapering filaments in front,—one near the base of each tentacle f the
lateral filaments are numerous; two or three of the anterior ones are of moderate length, the
rest short and rather irregular, becoming broad, obtuse and lobated at the sides of the branchiae;
they are all of a brilliant orange colour with yellow tips. There are also five stout papillae
on the back,—three down the central line, and two sublateral in front of the branchiae; they
are freckled with rose-colour beiow, and yellow above. Branchial plumes eighteen, the anterior
and posterior ones bifid, for nearly their whole length, rather large, simply pinnate, arising
from an elevated base, and diminishing gradually from front to back, forming a complete
circle: they are rose-coloured, spotted with a darker shade of the same colour, and become
bright yellow towards the apices: the general base is pale. Head broad and thick, sloping
gradually down from the tentacles, and having a slight velar expansion over the mouth ; its
colour is white, with a minute freckling of pink above, and a yellowish tinge towards the
edge. H>ot very large, spreading and undulating at -the margin, which is usually turned a
little upwards: it is white with a freckling of rose-colour towards the upper part, and down
the posterior ridge to the tail. The margin has a border of bright orange with a yellow edge;
the underside is white, with a darker shade in the centre from the liver: the front angles are
rounded, and the posterior extremity rather obtusely pointed.
We can scarcely doubt that this is the Idalia lacmiosa of Phillippi; the specimen from