Genus 19. ANTIOPA, Alder and Hancock.
Branchiae arranged on a pallial ridge on the sides of the back and in front of the head.
Dorsal tentacles laminated, united by a semicircular crest. Oral tentacles with or without a
veil. Fam. 8, PL 43.
Tongue broad, with numerous lateral spines and a central one, all simple. Corneous jaws.
1. A. c r is t a t a , Bella Chiaje. Transparent buff-coloured or white; branchiae ovate-oblong, inflated,
with a slender brown central vessel furcated above, the apices of a brilliant opaline blue j
dorsal tentacles strongly laminated. Length 1* inch. PI. 44, figs. 1—7.
2. A. hyalina, A. and H. Pellucid, yellowish with brown markings down the middle of the back j
branchiae elliptical, tuberculated, hyaline, with the central vessel fulvous j dorsal tentacles
obtuse, obscurely laminated; oral tentacles united by a narrow veil. Length ^ inch. PI.
4t4t,figs. 8—12,