Tongue narrow, icith 4 plates; the 2 next the median line hearing each a large spine: no
central plate. A spinous buccal collar.
1. G. nodosa, Mont. White tinged with yellow and pink, with opaque white spots; cloak with a
scalloped margin, and a central ridge with 1 or 2 rows of tubercles on each side; branchial
plumes 13, simply pinnate. Length 1 inch. PI. 18.
2. G. castanea, A. and H. Reddish-brown spotted with white; sides much tuberculated; cloak very
small, with a reflected margin and a central ridge; branchial plumes 7— 9, tripinnate. Length
| to 1 inch. PI. 19.
Genus 3. TRIOPA, J ohnston.
Cloak; small, covering the head, with linear or subclavate marginal appendages. Dorsal
tentacles 2, laminated, retractile within small sheaths. Oral tentacles 2, cylindrical.
Branchial plumes non-retractile.
Tongue rather broad, with numerous plates, the two innermost on each side bearing large spines:
no central plate.
1. T. claviger, Mull. White ; cloak with orange tubercles and the marginal appendages tipped with
yellow; branchial plumes 3, bipinnate. Length | inch. PI. 20.
Gen u s 4. iEGIRUS, L ov£n.
Body convex, covered with large tubercles. Cloak indistinct, forming a veil over the
head and a tuberculated ridge on each side. Dorsal tentacles 2, linear, smooth, retractile
within sheaths. Branchial plumes non-retractile.
Tongue broad, with numerous, simple, curved, lateral spines: no central plate. An upper
corneous jaw.
1. M. PUNCTiLUCENs, D’ Orb. Purple-brown, with darker areas, each containing a central, brilliant,
greenish-blue spot; branchial plumes 3, tripinnate, whitish. Length | inch. PI. 21, and
Appendix (8), p. iii.
Genus 5. THECACERA, Fleming.
Body smooth; cloak obsolete; veil indistinct, variable. Tentacles 2, laminated, retractile
within sheaths. Branchial plumes non-retractile, with lateral appendages.
Tongue with 14 or 16 plates, the 2 inner plates on each side bearing bicuspid spines: no
central plate. Small lateral corneous jaws.
1. T. pennigera, Mont. White spotted with orange and black; veil bilobed; tentacular sheaths
bilobed; branchial plumes 5 ; branchial appendages one on each side, large, bifid. Length
l inch. Appendix (9), p. iii.
2. T. v.irescens, A. and H. Peach-blossom coloured with green blotches before and behind; tentacles
green, with small, plain sheaths; branchial plumes 5, greenish, edged with white; branchial
appendages, several, tubercular,- obsolete. Length ^ inch. Appendix (10), p. iv.
3. T. capitata, A and H. White freckled with greenish-brown; tentacles with small plain sheaths;
veil with 2 to 4 orange tubercles on each side, and a row of orange tubercles between the
tentacles; branchial plumes 7, pinnate, tipped with orange; a stout branchial lobe on each
side, also tipped with orange. Length , inch. Appendix (11), p. iv.
Genus 6. POLYCERA, Cuvier.
Body smooth or tuberculated. Cloak indistinct, forming a digitated veil, and a ridge
bearing a row of tubercles on each side of the back. Tentacles 2, laminated, non-retractile,
without sheaths. Branchial plumes non-retractile, with lateral appendages.
Tongue rather narrow, with 12 to 16 plates, the 2 neat the centre on each side large, bicuspid:
no central plate. Lateral corneous jaws.
Section 1. Veil dilated into tentacular filaments ; branchial appendages linear, 1 on each side.
1. P. quadrilineata, Mull. White, with lines of yellow tubercles, and sometimes spotted or striped
with black and orange; veil large, digitated; branchial plumes 7 to 9, pinnate; processes
all tipped with yellow. Length 5 to f inch. PI. 22.
Section 2. Veil short, bilobed and tuberculated; branchial appendages tubercular, more
than one on each side.
2. P. ocellata, A. and H. Greenish-black, with large, tubercular, yellowish-white spots; veil tuberculated,
whitish, continued along the sides to the branchial appendages, which are lobated
and branched; branchial plumes 5, bipinnate; tentacles conical. Length \ inch. PI. 23.
3. P. L essonii, lyOrb. Green or yellowish, with yellow tubercles; veil short, with numerous yellow
tubercles continued along the sides to the branchial appendages, which are much lobated and
yellow; branchial plumes 3, bipinnate; tentacles clavate. Length | inch. PI. 24.
Genus 7. ANCULA, Lov£n .
Body smooth; cloak obsolete, represented by a row of filaments on each side of the
branchim. Tentacles 2, clavate, laminated, non-retractile, with styliform basal appendages.
Head produced at the sides into tentacular processes.
Tongue narrow, with 4 spines, the 2 next the median line large and broad, with the inner
margin denticulated: no central spine. A spinous buccal collar.
1. A. cristata, Aid. White, with the processes tipped with yellow or orange; tentacular appendages 2
at the base of each tentacle; branchial plumes 3, tripinnate ; branchial appendages 5 on each
side. Length £ inch. PI. 25.
Genus 8. IDALIA, Leuckart.
Body smooth, convex; with a small indistinct cloak, margined with filaments, longest in
front of the tentacles. Head much produced in front, plain, thick. Tentacles 2, linear,
laminated, non-retractile, without sheaths. Branchiae simply pinnate, non-retractile. Foot
Tongue narrow, with 4 spines, the 2 next the median line large: no central spine. A spinous
buccal collar .
Section 1. Centre of the back with filaments.
Lingual spines next the centre large, falcate, and smooth or minutely denticulated; lateral
spines short. Spinpus collar complete.