Farn. 1, Plate 3.
D. elliptica, subdepressa, flava vel auriantiaca, fusco griceove sæpè liturata ; pallio tuberculis
depressis, crebris, inæqualibus ; brancbiis 9 tripinnatis, efiusis, intra foramen retraclilibus : tentaculis
labialibus tubercularibus.
Doris tuberculata, Cuv., in Ann. du Mus., v. 4, p. 469, pi. 74, f. 5.
Lam., Anim. s. Vert., 2d ed. v. 7, p. 463.
Johns, in Ann. Nat. Hist., v. 1, p. 50, pi. 2, f. 1, 2.
Macg., Moll. Anim. Aberd., p. 197.
For. and Hanl., Brit. Moll., v. 3, p. 563.
argo, Penn., Brit. Zool., v. 4, p. 43, pi. 22, f. 22.
Turt., Brit. Faun., p. 133.
Grant, in Edinb. Ph. Journ., v. 13, p. 198.
Flem., Brit. Anim., p. 282.
Dalyell, Pow. of Créât., v. 2, p. 294, pi. 42, f. 4—7.
argus, Stark, Elem. Nat. Hist., v. 2, p. 68.
Bouch. Chant. Catal. des Moll, du Boul., p. 40 ?
pseudo argus, Rapp, in Nova Acta Acad. Nat. Cur., v. 13, p. 519.
Bouch. Chant., Catal. des Moll, du Boul., p. 41.
Britannica, Leach, Syn. Moll. Gr. Brit., p. 19.
Montagui, Ibid., Syn. Moll. Gr. Brit., p. 18.
mera, Aid. and Hanc., in Ann. Nat. Hist., v. 14, p. 330.
Hab. Under stones and in crevices of rocks between tide-marks, common.
Body two or three inches long, but occasionally reaching to four or even five inches ;*
breadth about half the length; of an elliptical form, nearly equally rounded at both
ends^ The colour is generally a lemon-yellow or buff-orange; but it is frequently variegated
on t e upper side with blotches, of sage-green, pink, and grayish brown. It sometimes
occurs of a very light sage colour, almost white, and young individuals may be procured
quite white. The markings are also very variable : occasionally they are numerous and
arge, covering a great portion of the cloak; at other times they are small, distant, and
irregu ar spots. Full yellow specimens are commonly seen without any markings. Cloak
J n * n ^ I B °fthiS Size WaS g0t by Mr- Price> in N<>rth Wales, iu the spring of 1852, and Sir
• G. Dalyell appears to-have met with it nearly of the same dimensions.