(This Table is intended as an index to the Synopsis, and will, it is hoped, afford a ready means of
ascertaining the genus of any specimen from (m examination of the external characters!)
Branchiae plumose, surrounding the vent on the medio-dorsal line
Cloak ample . . . .
Tentacles retractile within cavities .
Cloak small or obsolete
Tentacles retractile (Tentacles smooth
Family . Doridid/e.
Sub-Fam. Doridince.
. Doris.
Sub-Fam. Polycerince.
. . iEgirus.
within sheaths H »PP^dages . Triopa.
(. Cloak obsolete . . . Thecacera.
C Cloak distinct, with a smooth or undulated margin Goniodoris.
Tentacles non-retractile ) Cloak indistinct, with marginal filaments
without sheaths . . j Cloak rudimentary, with marginal tubercles
L Cloak obsolete, tentacles with basal filaments
Branchiae laminated or tufted, arranged along the sides of the back;
liver entire . . .
Branchiae laminated, set along a pallial ridge at the sides of the back
Branchiae tufted, covering the insides of lobes at the sides of the back
Branchiae papillose, rarely ramose, set along the sides of the back
liver defused and branched .
* Tentacles 2, sheathed; branchiae variable.
Branchiae ramose or papillose .
Branchiae ramose, without pallial ridge
Branchiae papillose, on a pallial ridge
Branchiae clavate and muricate
Veil small . . . .
Family . Tritoniadæ.
. Tritonia.
. Scyllæa.
Family E olididæ.
Sub-Fam. Dendronotinæ.
. . Dendronotus.
. . Lomanotus.
Sub-Fam. Melibceince.
. . Doto.
** Tentacles without sheaths ; branchiae papillose.
Vent lateral . . . .
Tentacles 4 .
Tentacles 2 .
Vent dorsal; branchiae not surrounding the head
Tentacles 4, vent latero-dorsal
Tentacles 2, vent medio-dorsal, anterior
Tentacles none, vent medio-dorsal, posterior
Vent dorsal, posterior; branchiae surrounding the head
Dorsal tentacles united by a crest, laminated
Dorsal tentacles without crest, not laminated
Sub-Fam. Eolidince.
. . Eolis.
. . Embletonia.
Sub-Fam. Hermoeinoe.
. . Fiona.
. . Hermaea.
. . Alderia.
Sub-Fam. Proctonotince.
. . Antiopa.
. . Proctonotus.
S Y N O P S I S .
Sub-Kingdom— M o l l u s c a .
Fam. 1. DoRIDIDiE. Branchiae plumose, surrounding the vent on the medio-dorsal line. Skin
Sub-Fam. D oridin.®. Cloak ample, with an entire margin.
Genus 1. DORIS, Linnajus.
Cloak covering the head and foot. Dorsal tentacles 2, laminated, retractile within cavities.
Oral tentacles 2, various, or wanting. Fam. 1, Plates 1 and 2.
Section 1. Branchiae united at the base and retractile within a cavity ; body more or less
depressed; with oral tentacles. Doris, proper.
Tongue broad, with numerous lateral spines and occasionally a central one.
* Oral tentacles tubercular.
Lingual spines uniform: no central spine,
a. Lingual spines stout, plain.
1. D. tuberculata, Cuv. Orange or yellow, usually blotched with brown or olive ; cloak covered with
unequal flattish tubercles; dorsal tentacles conical; branchial plumes 9, tripinnate, large
and spreading. Length 2 to 3 inches. PI. 3.
2. D. flammea, Aid. and Hanc. Scarlet, occasionally blotched with purple; cloak covered with moderately
sized, unequal, flattish tubercles; dorsal tentacles conical; branchial plumes 9, tripinnate,
not spreading. Length 1 inch. PI. 4.