Fam. 4. Diphyllidiadm.
Gen. 18. Diphyllidia, Cuv. Cloak exposing the head, coriaceous; tentacles
laminated longitudinally, approximated, partially retractile
within a common cavity; veil reflected; branchiae of two
kinds, the anterior longitudinally folded, the posterior transversely.
Tongue broad, with numerous simple lateral spines
and a denticulated central spine. Corneous jaws . D. lineata, Otto.
SecUon 2. With the branchiae on the upper side of the cloak.
Fam. 5. Tritoniadce.
Gen. 19. Tritonia, Cuv. Branchiae plumose; tentacles 2, fasciculated,
retractile within plain sheaths; veil digitated. Tongue broad,
with numerous simple or denticulated lateral spines, a tricuspid
central spine, and a broad plate on each side of it. Large
corneous jaws • . . . T. Hombergii, Cuv.
Fam. 6. Scyllceida.
Gen. 20. Scyll^ a, Linn. Branchiae plumose, scattered over the lateral
lobes on the inner surface; veil small; tentacles 2, laminated,
with large compressed sheaths. Tongue broad, with numerous
lateral spines and a central »pine, all denticulated. Large
corneous jaws . . . S. pelagica, Linn.
Tribe 2. Liver diffused; branchiae papillose, simple or branched.
Section 1. With a posterior central gastro-hepatic vessel; reproductive organs with
single external orifice.
a . With the posterior vessel of the gastro-hepatic system below the ovary.
Fam. 7. Dendronotidce.
Gen. 21. Dendronotus, A. and H. Body compressed, without cloak;
branchiae ramose; veil branched; tentacles laminated, with
branched sheaths. Tongue rather narrow, with several lateral
spines, and a larger central spine, all denticulated
Gen. 22. Bornella, Gray. Body compressed, without cloak; tentacles
2, retractile within branched sheaths; front of the head with
2 stellated or fimbriated appendages; branchiae plumose,
arranged on plain branched pedicles. Tongue?
Gen. 23. L omanotus, Ver. Body subquadrilateral; branchiae papillose or
foliaceous, arranged in a nearly continuous line on a pallial
margin ; tentacles 2, laminated, with sheaths. Tongue broad,
with numerous denticulated spines; no central spine. Corneous
Gen. 24. H ero, Lov. Cloak wanting; tentacles 2, linear, simple, non-
retractile; veil rather large, plain, produced at the sides;
branchiae branched or umbellated. Tongue with a large central
denticulated spine, and 2 simple lateral spines. Corneous jaws
D. arborescens, Mull.
B. digitata, Adams.
L. Genei, Ver.
H. formosa, Lov.
Fam. 8. Tetkidee.
Gen. 25. Tethys, Linn. Body depressed, with numerous branchial
plumes or tufts alternating with papillae on each side of the
back; veil fringed with filaments; tentacles laminated,
sheathed. No tongue. No jaws . . T. leporina, Linn.
Fam. 9. Melibince.
Gen. 26. Melibe, Rang. Tentacles small, retractile within long, narrow,
trumpet-shaped sheaths; veil large, funnel-shaped, fringed
internally; branchiae ovate, tuberculated. Tongue ?
Gen. 27. Doto, OJcen. Tentacles linear, long, with short, wide, trumpetshaped
sheaths; veil small, plain; branchiae ovate, muricated.
Tongue narrow, with a large central spine
Fam. 10. Prodonotidce.
Gen. 28. Proctonottjs, A. and H. Dorsal tentacles simple, linear; veil
distinct, notched in front. Tongue broad, with numerous
smooth spines. Jaws plain . . . P. mucroniferus, A. & H.
Gen. 29. Antiopa, A. and H. Dorsal tentacles laminated, united by a
semicircular crest; oral tentacles with or without a veil.
Tongue broad, with numerous lateral spines and a central one,
all simple. Jaws denticulated . . . A. cristata, Belle Ch.
Fam. 11. Glaucidee.
Gen. 30. Glatjcus, Linn. Head indistinct; tentacles very short; branchiae
compressed, tapering, arranged on broad flattened footstalks;
foot very narrow, rounded in front. Tongue narrow, with
a single plate, bearing a long stout spine and marginal
denticles . . . . G. Forsteri.
b . With the posterior vessel of the gastro-hepatic system above the ovary.
Fam. 12. JEolididce.
Gen. 31. Calma, A. and H. Body depressed, rather broad;' tentacles
small, simple, linear; branchiae linear-fusiform, clustered on
cylindrical footstalks; foot broad, anterior angles acute.
Tongue very small and narrow, bearing a single spine . C. glaucoides, A. & H.
Gen. 32. F labellina, Cuv. Body slender; dorsal tentacles laminated;
oral tentacles long; branchiae linear or fusiform, clustered
on footstalks; foot narrow, anterior angles much produced.
Tongue a central spine with marginal denticles, and two
separate plain lateral spines . . . F. nffinis Gm. ?*
The Eolidia flabellina of Verany belongs to this genus; his E. affinis appears to be different
from that of Gmelin.
M. rosea, Rang.
D. fragilis, For.