D. cocdnea. Lateral spines numerous, about 60 on each side; those near the centre very short, broad,
bicuspid, hooked; increasing suddenly into very long, slender, bifid, arched spines towards the
side?. No central spine. About 65 rows; pale yellowish. 60*0*60. Fig. 6. a, an outside
spine much enlarged; b, an inside spine much enlarged.
D. repanda. Lateral spines about 22 on each side, more or less curved; those next the centre
stout, denticulated on each side; the outside ones longer and more slender, also strongly
denticulated on the margin. A triangular central spine, the apex obtuse and curved, with
4 denticles. 68 rows. 22*1*22. Fig. 7 ; and Fam. 1, PI. 1, figs. 10, 11.
** Tongue narrow.
D. aspera. Lateral spines 3 ,on each side-; the inner one large and broad, having the anterior margin
convex,- the apex curved, with a ridge and a denticle on each side; outer spines rudimentary.
A thin central plate, thickened at the margins, oblong-quadrate. 30 rows; transparent
yellow. 3*1*3.
D. proximo. Lateral spines 1 and 10 small plates on each side; the spine large, falcate, with the
angle thickened and ridged; plates subquadrilateral, slightly notched behind. No central
plate. 41 rows. Jl*l*ll. Fig. 8.
D. muricata. Lateral spines 3 on each side; 2 rudimentary, and 1 large and broad, like that of
D. diaphana, but rather broader at the base. Central plate narrower than in D. diaphana.
30 rows; pale brownish yellow. 3*1 *3.
D. diaphana. Lateral spines 3 on each side; the 2 outer ones small and rudimentary; the inner large,
thickened and convex on the inner margin, the apex curved, with a subdenticulated ridge,
and an obtuse denticle on each side. Central plate oblong-quadrate. 30 rows; vellowish.
3*1*3. Fig. 9.
D. oblonga. Lateral spines 2 on each side; the inner one large, triangular, slender and a good deal
curved above, broad at the base, the. inner margin thickened and divided by constrictions
into 3 portions, the upper one ridged or faintly denticulated at the sides; the outer spine
smallish and obtusely hooked. No central plate. Tongue rather short. Pale yellowish.
(The number of rows of spines not made out.) 2*0*2. Fig. K).
D. bilamellata. Lateral spines 2 on each side; the inner one very large, triangular, tapering, smooth,
slightly curved and rather slender above, broad at the base; outer spine small, obtuse. In
the place of the central plate is an erect, ear-shaped, membranous fold. 28 rows. 2*0*2.
Fig. 11.
D. depressa. Lateral spines 2 on each side; the inner one large, transversely elongated, subquadrate,
with a fold on the inner margin and a small hook at the exterior and upper angle, the sides
ridged and bearing an obtuse denticle; the outer spine small, broad. No central plate.
33 rows ; almost colourless. Tongue comparatively small. 2*0*2; Fig. 12.
D. inconspicua. Lateral spines 2 on each side; the inner one transversely elongated, quadrate, with a
fold on the inner margin, rather narrower than the last; the apex more produced, stout,
hooked, with the sides minutely denticulated, and bearing a large obtuse process; outer
spine inconspicuous. No central plate. 37 rows; yellowish, almost colourless. Tongue
minute. 2*0*2 Fig. 13.
D. pusilla. Lateral, spines 2 on each side; the inner one large, ovate-triangular, rather strongly
hooked, with a denticulated ridge on each side, terminating in a strong tubercle; outer spine
small. No central plate. About 30 rows. 2*0*2.
D. sparsa. Lateral spines 2 on each side; the inner one large, ovate-quadrate, like-that of D. incon-
spicua, but shorter and less transverselyeiongated. No central plate. About 30 rows;
almost colourless. 2*0*2.
D. pilosa. Lateral spines 4 on each side; the 3 outer ones small and rudimentary; the inner one
large, broad and convex at the base, with a lateral thickened arch; the apex much produced,
strongly curved, with a denticulated ridge on each side. No central plate. 27 rows.
4*0*4. Fam. 1, PI. 1, figs. 3, 4, 5.
D. mbqmdrata. Lateral plates 5 on each side; the 4 outer ones rudimentary; the inner one large,
very broad at the base, swelling anteriorly, with a lateral thickened arch; the apex elongated
and curved, with a denticulated ridge on each side. No central plate. 20 rows; pale
yellowish. 5*0*5. Fig. 14,
Sub-Fam. Polycerinee.
Goniodoris nodosa. Lateral spines 1 and a small external plate on each side; spine large, sub-
triangular, pointed, the upper part strongly denticulated at the sides. No central plate.
22 rows; dark amber-coloured. 1 + 1 * 0 * ] + 1. Fig. 15.
G. castanea. Like the last, but with the large spines smooth at the margin. 1 + 1 • 0 * 1 a. 1.
Triopa claviger. Lateral spines 2 and 10 plates on each side; the outer spine stout, hooked, and bifid,
with the margin ridged ; the inner very slender and curved; the plates quadrilateral. No
central plate. 45 rows. 1 0 + 2 * 0 * 2+ 1 0 . Fig. 16.
jEgirus punctilucens. Lateral spines 19 or 20 on each side, uniform, rather stout, smooth, hooked.
No central plate. 19 rows; amber-coloured. Tongue broad. 20*0-20. Fig. 17.
Thecacerd pennigera. Lateral spines 2 and 3 plates on each side; spines rather slender, bicuspid, with
the margin ridged; the inner spine smallest; plates quadrate-ovate, the outer one minute.
No central plate. 10 rows; pale straw-coloured. Tongue rather small. 3+ 2 * 0 * 2 + 3 .
Fam. 1, PI. 21 a, fig. 7.
T. virescens. Lateral spines 2 and 5 plates on each side; spines stout, broad, bicuspid, ridged at the
margin, the inner spine smallest; plates subquadrate. No central plate. 18 or 19 rows,
alternate ; pale yellow. 5 + 2 *0*2+5. Fig. 18.
T. capitata. Lateral spines 2 and 4 plates on each side; spines, elongated, more slender than in
T. virescens} bicuspid, the anterior point longest, margin ridged; plates oblong-ovate,
pointed below, with a ridge in the centre. No central plate. 10 rows, alternate; dark
amber-coloured. 4 + 2 * 0 • 2+ 4 . Fig. 19.
Polycera quadrilineata. Lateral spines .2 and 4 plates on each side; spines bicuspid, the anterior
point produced into a strong, broad hook, with the margin ridged; inner plate smaller and
less hooked; plates subovate, slightly angled, and elevated in the centre. No central
plate. 15 rows, alternate; dark amber-coloured. 4 + 2 *0*2+4. Fig. 20.
P. ocellata. Lateral spines 2 and 5 plates on each side; spines bicuspid, stout, the points nearly equal
in length; outer spine ridged at the sides, inner one very small; plates subquadrate-ovate.
No central plate. 16 rows, alternate; rusty red-coloured. 5+2*0* 2+ 5 . Fig. 21.
P. Lessonii. Like the last, but with 6 plates on each side and the spines rather more elongated.
13 rows; amber-coloured. 6 + 2 * 0 • 2+6.
Ancula cristata. Lateral spines 2 on each side; the outer small, smooth;, the inner large, broad,
ovate, pointed, denticulated on the inner margin. No central plate. 25 to 27 rows; dark
brown. 2-0-2. Fig. 22..
Idalia elegans. Lateral spines 2 on each side; the inner one large, falcate, broad at the base,
tapering to a point above, the front margin thickened by a smooth rib ; outer spine small,
triangular. No central plate. 28 rows; pale yellow. 2*0*2.