Gen. 33. Facelina, A. and H. Body rather slender ; dorsal tentacles
laminated; oral tentacles long ; branchiae linear, or fusiform,
clustered; foot narrow, with the anterior angles acute and
much produced. Spawn of many undulating coils. Tongue,
a single plate with a large central spine and marginal
denticles . .
Gen. 34. Coryphella, Gray. Body slender; dorsal tentacles simple •
branchiae linear or fusiform, clustered; foot narrow, with the
anterior angles much produced. Spawn of many undulating'
coils. Tongue, a single plate with a large central spine and
marginal denticles, and 2 separate lateral spines denticulated
on the inner margin . . . .
Gen. 35. F avorinus, Gray. Body slender; dorsal tentacles with a bulbous
swelling; oral tentacles long; branchiae linear, flattened, in
distant transverse rows, the anterior rows double; foot
narrow, with the anterior angles much produced. Spawn of
many plain narrow coils. Tongue a single plate with a single
smooth spine . . . .
Gen. 36. P hidiana, Gray. Body stout; dorsal tentacles clavate, laminated
; oval tentacles very large • branchiae in close, transverse
rows; sides of the foot rounded. Tongue ?
Gen. 37. E olis, Cuv. Body depressed, rather broad; tentacles linear,
simple; branchiae a little flattened, set in numerous close,
transverse rows; foot broad, anterior angles acute. Tongue
toith a single broad plate, uniformly pectinated.
a. Lingual spine a single arch
b. Lingual spine a double arch
Gen. 38. Cuthona, A. and H. Body depressed; tentacles simple, linear;
branchiae clavate, in close-set rows; head much produced at
the sides; foot broad, with the anterior angles rounded.
Tongue, a single plate with a large central spine and marginal
denticles . . . . .
Gen. 39. Cavolina, Cuv. Body rather slender; tentacles linear, simple;
branchiae linear, generally in rather distant transverse rows;
foot narrow, with the anterior angles rounded. Spawn
slightly coiled. Tongue, a single denticulated plate with the
central spine not prominent.
a. Branchiae in rather close rows
b. Branchiae in rather distant rows
Gen. 40. Galvina, A. and H. Body stoutish; tentacles linear, slender•
oral pair short; branchiae in rather distant rows, fusiform,
inflated; foot with the anterior angles rounded. Spawn
generally cup-formed. Tongue, a central plate with large
denticles and stout central spine, and 2 separate plain
lateral spines.
a. Branchiae much inflated
b. Branchiae not much inflated
F. coronata, For.
C. rufibranchialis, Johns,.
F. albus, A. & H.
P. Patagonica, I?Orb.
E. papillosa, Linn.
E. glauca, A. & H.
C. nana, A. & H.
C. aurantiaca, A. & H.
C. viridis, For.
G. tricolor, For.
G. cingulata, A. & H.
Gen. 41. Tergipes, Cuv. Body slender; tentacles simple, the oral pair type.
very short; branchiae fusiform, inflated, set in single series on
each side of the back; foot narrow; anterior angles rounded.
Spawn reniform. Tongue, a single plate with a stout central
spine and delicate marginal denticles . . t . despecta, Johns
Gen. 42. E mbletonia, A. and If. Body slender; dorsal tentacles simple;
oral pair flattened into 2 lateral lobes; branchiae fusiform, set
in single or double series on each side. Tongue, a single plate
bearing a central spine and lateral denticles . * . E. pulchra, A. & H.
Section 2. With two posterior lateral gastro-hepatic vessels ; reproductive organs with two
external orifices.
Fam. 13. Monidce.
Gen. 43. F iona, A. and H. Tentacles sub-dorsal; branchial papillae with
an undulated membranous border set on a sub-pallial margin.
Tongue, a single plate with a stout central spine and marginal
denticles . . . . F. nobilis, A. & H.
Fam. 14. Hermaida.
Gen. 44. H erm^ a, L ov. Tentacles 2, dorsal, longitudinally folded; branchiae
fusiform or linear; anus in front of the heart. Tongue, a single
plate bearing a large broad spine.
a. Tentacles with both margins terminating at the sides of
the head; body cylindrical . . . H. bifida, Mont.
b. Tentacles with the anterior margin continuous with the
sides of the head, forming a sub-veil; body with'the sides
depressed and slightly expanded . . H. dendritica, A. & H.
Gen! 45. Stiliger, Ehr. (Calliopaea, D’Orb.) Tentacles 2, dorsal, simple;
branchiae fusiform, arranged in transverse rows on the sides
of the back; anus in front of the heart. Tongue, a single
spine plate bearing a stout . . . S. ornatus, Ehr.
Gen. 46. Alderia, Alim. Tentacles rudimentary or none; branchiae papillose,
set in transverse rows on the sides of the back; anus pos-
tero-dorsal. Tongue, a single plate with a large central spine A. modesta, Lov.
Sub-Order—P e l l t b r a n c h ia t a .
Tribe 1. Body limaciform.
Fam. 15. Mysiadce.
Gen. 47. E lysia, Risso. Tentacles 2, longitudinally folded; lateral expansions
large, plain, meeting behind and folding over the back.
Tongue, a single plate with a large central spine. A spinous
buccal collar . . . . E: viridis, Mont.