LI. AGARICUSJiipitatus, pileo campanulato lacero, lamellis lateraliter
fmitarius. flixuofis, jlipitefiftulojo. ^Sp: pi: 1643. Hud/on Angl: 61 7, 28.
Lightfoot Scot: 1021, - i 3.
js ' • ' '. • . • *
T A B. ""'XLl'y.
^ H E root is bulb-ihaped,-tapering to an obtufe point below;
it is white, emits a few dawny fibres?'and is not inclofed
in a volva.
. ^ • _ The_ ftem. is-cylindrical,, fiftular, with afmall pefforation •
it is white, a little dawny, and fix or eight inches high.
The curtain is white and. delicate; breaks, and entirely
vaniihes, while the plant is young. '
The gills are very numerous and clofe, broad, deep, and
render the pileus heavy; they are in one feries, being all extended
from the rim of the.pileus almoft to the centre, but do
not adhere to, or even touch, the item. They are at lirft white,
afterwards change to a pale reddifh colour, and at lail diUolve*
with the pileus, in a black inky liquor, which falls from the
rim in round drops.
The pileus is conical, terminating bluntly above, while
young of an oblong oval figure; it is from four to fix or eight
, inches high, and one or two diameter at the bafe; it is, of a
brown or fufcous colour at the apex, which colour is loft in a
duiky white, at a little diftance below. ' The furface, 'in fome
fpecimens, is covered with a kind of browniih dawny fcales,.
- which are not the fragments of volva, but grow from its fur'
face; while the plant is young thefe fcales do not appear,- and
fometimes it is at all ages deftitute of them. In decay the pileus
lacerates, and the whole diiTolve.s.
Grows-in fand befides grafs-beds, and by-paths, near towns
and villages, in September and O&ober.