liiBil I
G R O W I N G A B O U T H A L I FAX. 23
AGARICUS Jlipitatus, pileo-. campanulas fubfufco fquamato, XXIVj
"' lamellis albidis, -jUpte bulbofo anulato. Lightfoot's Flora anmlatuu
Scot:11025. Agaricus (procerus). Hudjon's Flo: Ang:
6x2, 10' '
R U F F L E D A G A R I C.
/ - p H E root is' bulb-ihaped, of a' foft and fpongy fubftance,
P about the li-ze of a pigeon's egg, and- fends out numerous
The ftem is upright, fmooth, round, and gradually tapering
from the root upwards j it is white, fiftular, and has a fine
dawn in the perforation; the fubftance foft, elaftic, and eafily
divifible in foft filky filaments j the colour is white at fir ft,
but afterwards changes to a pale ftraw colour. It is five or fix -
. inches high.
The' curtain is a little tough, white, fperates from the rim.
of the pileus-, abides on the ftem like a ruffle, and immoveable
upwards .and downwards, by means of a central ring, to which
it adheres, and in which it ieerris to -originate.
The gills in-two or three feries, of various irregular lengths,
numerous, thin, and deep ; at firft gently tinged with a light
-rofe colour, as in the common muihrooin, next they become
white, and laftly of a pale brown.
The pileus is at firft of a globular figure, afterwards becomes'conical,
or bell-ihaped fometimes beaked at the vortex.
With a little prominence, the fize of a ileeve button ; -when full
grown is wide expanded round the rim,' and approaches to an
' horizontal B M M changes^from white to a pale brown, and.
. is covered with foft brown fcales, which are not .the fragments
ejf a volva, as: 'in the Agaricus, mufcarius, but grow from the
fubMnte of the pileus.
Grows in the dry-parts of woods about Halifax, in Odobe-r,
but not plentifully.