AGARICUS Jlipitatus, lamettis dimidieatis folitarlis, Jtipite XXVIÍÍ
volvato, apie-e dilitato, bafe ovato. Sp: PI: 1640, 4. mu/cariu
Agaricus caulefcens píleo fanguineo . Verrucis, lamellifque albis,
fiipìte albo bafi globofo. Flo: Lapp: 595. Hudfon Angl:
612. Lightjoot Fl: Scot: 1010, 3.
F L Y AG A R I C .
T A, B. •. JÍXVII. .
root is large, and bulb-ihaped,- of .a foft fpongy fiibftance,
and together with the young plant furrounded by
a thick volva, when the item begins to ihoot, the volva breaks,
and the pileus appears ; as it advances in growth, the bulb at
the root d.iminiihes in fize, and is often nearly exhausted in full
The item is white, brown, or reddiih ; foft, fpongy, and,
while , the plant is young, folid ; afterwards becomes fiflular,
the thicknefs of one's thumb, and four or five inches high.
The curtain, after it has performed its office, is feparated
from the pileus all.round the rim, without being top, and remains
for fome time on the item, like an elegant white ruffle..
The gills are in two feries, moil of them extended from the
item to the rim of the pileus, but are interfperfed with others
extending but half way ; they are. white.
The pileus, at its firft eruption from the volva, is of a
globular figure, fmooth and filming, with a flippery glutin j
when,full grown becomes horizontal, and the furface nearly
flat j it is of various colours,; but generally tinged, more, or
lefs, with red. In dry feafons, or improper foils, the volva
does not feparáte from the pileus, but remains in broken fragments,
like warts, upon its fuface.
Grows in dry woods about Halifax, from Auguit to O&ober. I m I