XIII. AGARICUS Jiipitatus, pileo hemifphcerko rugofo, lamellis; '
tar «leus, trijidis albidis, ]iipite alko Iff
B L U E A G A R I C.
T A B. XII. - ' -'/
n p H E root confifts of an irregularly compreiTed termination,,
or. rather origin of the item; it emits, numerous fine
dawny grey fibres: there is no volva.
The item is upright, round, hard, and folidj the fize of a
fwan's quill, and three inches high ¡ it is of a duiky white
colour, and has no curtain.
The gills- in three feries, white, grofs, and brittle j they
are narrow, and adhere to the item by their bafe.
The pileus hemifpherical, two or three inches diameter, of
a greyiih blue colour, and dry furface; feels like cloth made of
coarfe wool, is firm and hard, but yet very brittle. The fubilance
of the fieih white and thick.
Gathered in the wood below Wheatly, Auguil 16, 17865
and again in Auguft, this prefent year 1787.