AGARICUS Jiipitatus, pileo campanulato Jiriato pellucido, XXXII.
lamellis adfcendentibus, Jiipite nudo. Sp : P I: 1643. Hud- campanulam,
fon Angl: 618, 31,
B E L L AG A R I C .
' T A- B. . '. XXXI. •
r p H E root is a little brown bulb, emitting brown fibres from
its bottom and fides.
The fiem is. cylindrical, fiftular, tranfparent, of a whitiih
grey colour, the ^thicknefs of a fwallow's quill, and five or fix
inches high.
The curtain is very delicate, "vaniihes when the plant is;,
about an inch high, but leaves a black veftage on the item,,
which abides for a little time, and then.difappears.
The gills are m two feries, narrow, thin, tranfparent, and.
of a grey colour,, changing black in decay^g
The pileus is at firft conical,,fmooth, and brown,.afterwards
the rim begins to diverge,.'^nd to appear dimly ftriated, with
fine tender lines; the next ftage a black iiliation begins to appear
round the rim, and as it advances in growth the pileus
expands, and what before, appeared, to be fhria, are now found
to be aitu.al plaits,, the angles whereof are alternately brown
and lead-coloured ; the black ciliation is divided into little tufts-,
which adhere to the extremities of the brown angles, and give
a pretty-appearance to the rim of the pileus. It is about an
inch and a half in diameter, of a tender watery fubilance, and.,
femi-tranfparent ; in decay it diifolves in a brown liquor. It
grows up in one night, and periihes the next day.
Grows in meadows where the foil is rich, in September, and:
©Sober, about Halifax plentifully..