VI I N T R O D U C T I O N .
The Figures which are on fhe engraved title, placed H the book by
way of Frontifpiece, though they are fimple and mean, yet they are Natural,
and lb fairrcprcfent the diftinguilhing Chara&enftics of the Genera,
^ m X a ^ S p l ^ 3 1 1 " 0 ' aih° r t « J — ^ . - d e r them pkin to
Jn Explanation of the Frontifpiece.
Fig. A. Genus i. Agaricus (Mujhroom).
M l U T S ' H i " B i °r H mowing horizontally, and having
gills on the under-fide. There are two divifions of this Genus,' firft
5 ?pp,°,rted °eapiIlar orftemjfecond' I ^t without:
pillar (parajitic), adhering by one of its fides to other plants. The little
ngure at A. reprefents the Agaricus integer.
Fig. B. Genus 2. Boletus (Touchwood)*
A Fungus, growing horizontally, having pores or holes on the under-
M I B B .t W ° d i v i f l o n s o f thi s Genus> fi^il, thofe without a ftem
(parajitic) adhering laterally to other plants, "fecond, having an upright
central ftem or pillar. The figure at B. reprefents the Boletus luteus.
Fig. C. Genus Hydnum.
A Fungus, having an horizontal Pileus,- with awl-ihaped foft prickles"
growing Underneathj the pileus fupported on a pillar. The figures at
C* reP r e f e n t the Hydnum repandum, and Hydnum aurifcalpum.
Fig, D. Genus 4. Ph allus (Mor ell)
• I I FtUngUS' conflftinS o f an £ a t a pillar, hat oval, fmooth on the '
infide, honeycombed or eared on the outfide. D. reprefents the Phallus
ejculentus, or common efculent Morell.
• Fig.
I N T R O D U C T I O N . vii
Fig. E,- Genus 5. Clathrus.
A Fungus, roundiih or oblong, hollow within, netted, latticed or
windowed, the latticing connedted on every fide, often refting on a fmooth
receptacle»--which is fupported on a ftem or pillar. The figure's at E. reprefent
the Clathrus nudùs, and Clathrus fulvus.
Fig. F. Genus 6. Hah e Ila.
A Fungus, with .a pileus or hat, fmooth on both fides. There are
two divifions of this Genus, firft, with the hat fupported on a ftem or
pillar ; fecond, the hat feffile or without a pillar. The figures at F. reprefen't
the Hah ella mitra, and the Halvella inflata -, à curious new fpecies,
five inches high.
Fig. G. Genus 7. Peziza.
A Fungus,, bell-ihaped, cup-ihaped, .or fennel-lhaped, generally
fmooth, and of equal fuJbftance throughout. The figures at G. reprefent
the Peziza lentifera, and an elegant new Britilh Ipecies, the Peziza
Fig. FT. Genus 8. Clavaria.
A Fungus, growing perpendicularly, fimple or branched, fmooth,
and of one uniform furface. Thè figures at H. reprelent the Clavaria
mufcoides, and Ophiaglojfoides.
Fig. I. Genus9. Lycoperdon (Puff-ball).
A-Fungus, roundiih, confifting of a bark or rind, which breaks
generally in the fummit, and difcharges an impalpable duft or farina, in
form of fmoke. There are three divifions of this Genus,* firft, thofe that
are deftitute of root, and fubterraneous ; fecond, with a root and parafitic ;
third, with a root, and growing on the ground. The figure at I. repre-
. fents thz Lycoperdon bovijla.' ' •.