22 A n HISTORY o F A G A R I C S,
XXIII. AGARICUS jlipitatus, pileo fordide flavo, lamellis luteo rvjis.
cinnamoneus. t ; > ,' Ph 42.
-Agaricus Jlipitatus, pileo convexo rufo lamellis flav efe entibes ,fiipite
longo flavo. - Hudfori, 615, 18.
B R O W N _ A G A R I C.
T A B . -XXII,
'"T^HE root is hard, brown, .compreifed or flat; fometimes
irregularly diftorted, emits brown bard fibres,, and takesfirm
hold in the ground : it is not furrounded by a volva.
The item is fmooth, fmalleft near the root, gradually increafing
upwards ; while young it is folid, but becomes fiííular
afterwards •, the fubftance is tough, and eafily divided into (lender
filaments; the colour is a yellowifh brown ; it is three of
-four inches high : there is no curtain.
The gills are in three feries, deep, of afioft pliable fubftance;
and of a pale yellowiih cinnamon colour; comparitively they
are few in number.
The pileus is at firft convex "and waved round_ the margin,
afterwards it becomes horizontal, and more fenfibly waved arid
undulated; and at laft the rim becomes fo much elevated, as to
give the pileus a funnel ihape, but with a gentle elevation in the
centre. The furface is fmooth, feels like,vellum, and is*of a
cinnamon colour•, the whole plant is of a tough pliable fubftance,
and continues for feveral day's.
Grows in woods about Halifax abundantly; greatly varying
in iize, according to foil and lituation.