H I S T O R Y of A G A R I C S ,
I G R O W I N G about HALIFAX.
AGARICUS Jlipitatus, lamellis omnibus oeequalibus, Sp: PI: 1640.
Agaricus Jlipitatus, pileo convexiufculo vifcido purpurea, j
lamellis omnibus cèequalibus albis. Hud: An'A: 610: 4. Bat- .
tar, Ju,. ng- , WtaÊbÊ. Ê1Ë5 2, JWigË. ÊÊh.S M ' '»teg*
. T.,A B. I. •
' I ^HE root is alitttle fwollen and irregular, terminating the
X Sesai obtufëly ; it is firm and feels folid, is of a brittle
fubftance, emits a few proper fibres, and fuftains one plant only.
The item round, upright, folid, of a fpongy brittle fubftance,
the thicknefs of one's thumb, and two or three inches
high.- The colour is a perfedt-white, both within and withouc
; there-is no curtain.
The gills in one feries,. regularly extended from the head of
the ftem to the rim of the pileus ; fometimes, however, there
are a few intermèdiate ones extending but half way. They
are confta'ntly of a pure white colour, while young of a tender
fubftance, and greedily devoured by the fnails;
The pileus fmooth, while young of a globular figure, ' and
covered with a glutin*. When in perfeftion horizontal, fmooth,
plain, fometimes" white, .often ftrongly tinged, efpecially towards
the rim, with a fine crimfon, a carnation, or a purple
colour, which in,decay changes to a dirty blue or green • diameter
from -two'to four inches, abounds with fleih of a fpongy "
brittle fubftance, and white: colour ; at laft diifolves in a brown
turged jelly.
Grows in all'the woods'''about Halifax, in plenty, from"
Auguft to November. I I HI B
Agarief" g"mmy 01; gIutin.ous f | t | 1 found,'lifce a vtanMi, on the ftirface of many