A G A R I C U S ftipitatus, píleo plicata membratiaceo, lamellis baß htioribus. XLI.
Sp: U M B R E L L A A G A R I C .
T A B. ' XXXIX. I G. A.
' 'S S H E Root confifts óf dawny fibres, adhering to decayed leaves, &c.
* —The item an inch high, very feeble and delicate; of a pellucid
watery fubftance.—The gills in one feries, very delicate, broadeft at
the bafé, and white.—The pileus the iize of an hemp-feed, white, and
gently ftriated. Grows in d'amp woods common about Halifax.
A G A R I C U S ftipitatus, pilee 'lúteo .convexo ftriato, lamelUs ftipitaque XLII".
albis.' Sp: PI: 1644,, Hudfon Ang'B! 622, 45. JAghtfoot, Scot: clavus.
102/, 20.
1 P fc N. A G A R I C .
T A B . XXXIX. b G. B.
T T grows in iimilar places with the laft, and is about the fame iize,
but of a firmer fubftance. The colour of the pileus is a brownifh
yellow, fometimes orange-coloured, or of ä bright fcarlet ; of a dry
opaque fubftance, and generally contrafted round the r'im; in decay it
•Withers!, and abides for fome days in a dry ftate.
A G A R I C U S ftipitatus,. píleo hemiffh¿erico, lamellis fiipitaque albis. ' XLIII.
^ -HmfM • Candidus*
W II l T . Ä - ' A. G A R I C.
"T-Í4 B. XXXIX. F I G. I).
' " T ^ f i E root confifts of dawny fibres, by which it adheres to the fallen
* and decaying, ftalks of plants.—The item half an inch in length,
foft flexible and df a dead white, colour.—The 'gi l l s white, dry, and
f l e x i b l e . — T h e pileus-of a dead white, at firft conical, afterward nearly
horizontal, "but inflected at the rim. It-withers in decay, and abides
fpr ä long time.—They often grow many near together, on the fame
fticli,' but'háve feparate roots.- Grows in JVood^boufe-Wood, but'is
rare there.
A G A R I C U S ftipitatus, pileo radiate plicato, ftipite pellucido filiformia. XLIV.
W H E E -'L A G A R 1 1 . . radiam.
T A B . , XXXIX. I ;•
M p H E root white, dawny.—The7 item an inch and u half high, watery,
•V pellucid, extremely brittle and tender,—The pileus at its firft
appearance conical, and. of a-red brown colour; is in a ftate of perfection
in the fpace of two or three hours, when it becomes of a blackiih'
afh colour, and pellucid. It confifts of. two membranes, .plaited to- -
gether like a fan ; the. angles of the plaits a little fubtend "beyond the
margin.—It appears like a fmall wheel, with fpokes.-r—Grows on
horfe-dung, after rain, in the month of Au g u f t > •