42 An HISTORY O F. . A G A R I C S,
XLIX. AGARICUS Jiipitatusi pileo villofo fulvo, -lamellis trifidis
•viilifus. hueopheeus, cortina alba, Jlipite adfcendente, • an picromyces
tunicatus. Battar: p. 47, Tab. 8, Fig. H. Sive, Agaricus.
mut-abihs. Hudfon Angl: 615, 22.
HpHE root confiils of a mouldy grey dawn, adhering to the
bottom of the item ^ it is not furrounded by a volva.
The ftem is of an hard dry brittle fubftance, of a duiky
. white, inclining a little to a pale buff colour ; it grows at firil
horizontally, and then curving upwards, is" five or fix inches
long, and diitinguiihed by a thick dawny annulus, which furrounds
it near the top, and in which the curtain originates.
. The curtain is wite, fine as a fpider's web, lacerate^ and
hangs for fome time, in white dawny fragments, round-the rim
of the pileus. -. ' 1. '
The gills are arranged in three feries, they are arched nume-
. rous, narrow, and of a pale- greyiih aih colour.
The pileus is at firft round or globular, afterwards becomes
hemifpherical, and three inches in diameter; it is covered with
a pile or nap, of a dawny, or father - hairy matter, and-of a
fulvous brown, or fox-colour. . The fielh of the pileus is white
and brittle; in decay it lacerates and diffolves.;
Grows under, the roots of trees, in woods where the foil is >
dry. I faw it in great plenty, in October, 1786, in the dry
and iteep part .of the wood called Ramfden, it grew, not only,
from under .the roots of trees, but. from the fides of breaks,
and from under the rocks; the item being hidden, and horizontal
; and the pileus with onlyjuft the curved part of the
item appearing..