AGARICUS Jlipitatus, piko convexo luteo, lamellis virefientibus, XXX.
ftipite flavo. Hudfon Angh 611 20.. Fungus medice mag- _
nitudinis pileolofuperne rujo fiavicante, lamellis Jubtis for dide
<virentibus Rati: Syn: 10, 57.
b u n d l e d a g a r i c .
' T ^ H E root is a miihapen piece of fungous matter, large in
I proportion to the number of plants it fuftains, emits a few
fibres^ is of tough fubftance, deftitute of volva, and fuftains
numerous plants,, from three to fifteen.
The item curved, growing at firft horizontally, and then
rifing gradually upwards - it is about the thicknefsof a fwan snuill!
fiftular and three inches high l i t is' of aduflcy yellow
colour, with a tinge of green, and thinly covered with a dawny
kind of filaments.
The curtain is of a pale yellow, ilender and delicate as. the
fineft fpider's web: found only when the plant isjuft fprung
up, breaks, and vaniihes when the verge of the pileus. begins
to unfold.
The gills are extremely thin and numerous, they are narrow
of a foft pliable fubftance, and'greeniih olive colour; they adhere
lightly to the item by a narrow claw. •
The pileus from one to two inches diameter, fmooth, of a
pale yellow, near the m a r g i n , growing ftronger near the top
Where it | of an orange or fcarlet colour I the top or central
elevation,-is not always in the middle, but bears to one fide,
m gives the pileus the figure of a nipple ihell. In decay
T e whole changes to a dirty brown, and' diffplvcs g the fpace
of five or fix daysirom its firft fpnnging up.
Grows on putrid wood,' or on the g r o u n d amongft timber
" in wood-yards, or near the * M o f trees, about i / * * , in
Auguft and'September, plentifully.