i, A N-. H 1 S'T O R Y OF. AGAR i C S,
AGARICUS Jlipitatus pilen convexo fufco, laméllis trifidis
latijjimis carneo palüdis.
- T A. ' B. II,
VHE root is a little fwelled, or approaching to a bulbous
figure; it is hard and firm if preifed between the fingers,
of a w h i t e colour within, and of ' a dry brittle lubilancej
covered on the outfide with innumerable, dawny fibres, by
means whereof it brings up a covering of the mould, amor.gft
which it grows, when it is-gathered. It produces one plant
only, and has no volva. •
The ftem round, upright, firm, folid, and is éaírly divifible
in fine, ihining, filky filaments, is about the fizé of one's middle
finger and four inches high. The colour, a duiky white on the
outfide, and of a filver white within; it has no curtain. •
The gills in three feries^ broad, deep, and large, as exprejfed
at A; they are numerous; thin, and pliable.: they aré white,
and faintly tinged with a kind of duiky fiefh colour.
The pileus from four to feven inches diameter, of a fmooth
dry fubilance, feels like fine woollen cloth, and is of a kind of
browniih moufe-colour. The fubftan.ce of the fleih brittle and
fpongy, and of a fair white.—^—This plant diifers from the A.
integer, in that the gills ¿re in three feries, from the A. mufcarius,
and A. annulatus, in having_neither volva or curtain.
Grows under old wood piles, and amongft rotten faw dúft,
in September a^d Oátober.