xvi I N T R O D U C T I O N .
the plant, with its radical cord, both the firil and fceond year. Its tim„e
i s jn Oftober.
(To be. continued in the fecorid VolumeJ
The fecond Volume will contain the remainder of the Agarics, with
the three fueceeding Genera, the Boletus, Hydnum, and Phallus,
The third will contain the other fcvcn, viz. the. Clathrus, Hahella,
P eziza, Clavaria, Ly coper don, Sphceria, and Mucor -, many of which being
fmall objects, .will be engraved feveral on a plate,
To many of the «plants, here figured and defcribed, I have not been.'-
able to apply the Synonyma of Authors, becauie I had not an' opportunity
of perufing their works therefore, any communications from
Botanifts, which may aflift me in applying thofe Synonyma, particularly
thofe of SCHOEFFER, (whofe valuable work I never faw) will be thankfully
*** The Reader is defired to obferve, that the Defcription and the
Drawing were not always taken from the fame fpecimen—the periihable
nature of the plant often not admitting it; and where the figure does not
exadtly coincide with the defcription, m regard ' to the precife hue of
colour,—fo much variation prevailed between the individual which was"
defcribed, and the individual which was painted.