24 H I S T O R Y o f . AGARICS,
xxv. AG AKICUS Jlipitatus, pileo campaniformi albido lacero, lamellis
cxtmHorius, niveis, Jiipite fubbulbofo fubulato nudo. Linn: Flo: Suec:
1196. Sp: PI: 1643. Hudfon Angl: 617, 29.
TAB. "xxiv. .
' J p H E root is a little fwelled, hard, white, and emits brown
fibres from thé fides j fometimes it fuftains feveral plants,
fometimes only one: it is not iurrounded by a volva.
The item is cylindrical, fmooth, white, fiftular, with a
fmall perforation, wherein is a ibft dawny-matter like cotton
it is an inch in circumference, and five inches high : there is
no curtain.
The gills are in one ieries, extremely numerous;1 thin,
deep, and delicate ; Àf a pure white colour at firft, afterwards
turn to a pale brown, and . in decay diifolve in a dark brown
liquor. Their great number makes the piléus heavy as in the '
Agaricus fimilarius, plicatus, luridus, &c.
The pileus is ihaped like an extinguiiher, terminating
bluntly above, and fpreading out at the rim, where1 it is a little
waved and undulated ; the furface is fmooth while the plant is
young, afterwards becomes iliated, and at laft lacerates, and
diffolves. The colour is white at firft, except a gentle tinge of
brown near the top, as it advances in age, the white changes
to a very pale brown ; and in feme Tpecimens there are a few
dawny- fcales or tufts of a pale brown, as in the Agaricus
Grows aiçongft fand, in moift .and ihady fituatio'ns about
Halifax, • but is rare there.