G R O W ! N G A B o u T HALIFAX. 43
AGARICUS Jiipitatus, pileo fufco crajfo margihe undulatorimofo, _ L.
lamejiis bifidis crafjis pallidis, Jlipite longo fufco incequale. rigidus.
n p H E ro"6t confifts of a number of ihort brown fibres iiTuing
from the bottom of the Item; there is no volva.
The ftem is generally curved or bent, it is five or fix'inches
in length; terminating in'a kind of obtufe point below, or rather
appears as if the point was bitten off; upwards it increafes
in thicknefs for about half its length, and decreafes again to the
top; it is 'an inch or more in diameter, in the thickeft part;
while the plant is young it is folid, afterwards becomes fiftular,
in both ftates is of a brown grey colour, and of an hard, dry,
brittle fubftgnce ; there is no curtain. ,
The gills are in two. feries, few, narrow, of a very pale
yellow, rigid, brittle, and very much crumpled and undulated,
by r^afon of the rolling in, or inflection of the pileus.
The pileus is at firit round, afterwards becomes bluntly
cone-ihaped; while young the margin is much infle£ted round
the rim, fo as to embrace the ftalk ; in the next ftage of growth
it is much undulated or crumpled round the margin; at laft it
fplits in feveral places, falls and diffolves,. Its colour is a duiky
reddiih brown* from firft to laftj the fubilance of the fleih
thick, brittle, dry, and white.
Grows -in the plantations and wood grounds, about Fixby-
Hall, in July and Auguft, I have not feen it elfewhere.
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