Chumulari, ii. 172.
Chunar, i. 65.
Churra, ii. 269, 273, 278, 298 ;
rain-fall of, 284.
Cinnamon, ii. 304.
Coal-fields of Burdwan, i. 7.
CocMospermum, i. 46.
Coles, i. 48.
Colgong, i. 85.
Cooches, ii. 10.
Cosi river, i. 86.
Cowage plant, i. 11.
Cryptogramma crispa, i. 250.
Currant, Sikkim, ii. 156.
Cypress, funereal, i. 297, 314.
D a c c a , i i . 2 6 0 .
Dakoit, i. 59.
Damooda valley, i. 6.
Date palm, i. 30, 33.
Deodar, i. 245.
Dewan, Sikkim, i. 107, 281, 288;
alarm of, ii. 240 ; arrival from
Tibet, ii. 222; dinner with, ii.
238 ; disgraced, ii. 247 ; interview
with, ii. 227.
Dhak, i. 45.
Digarchi, ii. 176.
Dinapore, ii. 75.
Dingpun, Tibetan, ii. 167.
Do-Mani stone, i. 278.
Donkia, ii. 129; pass, ii. 132,184.
Doobdi convent, i. 316.
Dorjiling, i. 103, 104 ; climate of,
i. 109 ; prospects of, ii. 256.
Dunwah pass, i. 26.
Dust storm, i. 44, 74.
E a r t h q u a k e , i i . 4 , 3 3 2 .
East Nepal, scenery of, i. 196.
Edgeworthia Gardneri, i. 195, 312.
Elephants, ii. 8, 297 ; bogged, ii.
323 ; docility of, i. 9.
Eranoboas, i. 31.
Ewryale ferox, ii. 261.
F a i r , i . 5 5 .
False sunrise and sunset, i. 56, 179.
Ferns, edible, i. 277.
Fir-wood, ii. 66.
Flutes from Lhassa, ii. 242.
G anges, features of, i. 72.
Gangetic delta, ii. 327 ; valley, ii. 6.
Gangtok Kajee, ii. 235.
Ghazeepore, i . 71.
Glaciers, ii. 76.
Goats, shawl-wool, ii. 105.
Grasses, gigantic, ii. 11.
Great Kungeet, excursion to, i. 133 ;
valley of, i. 139.
Grouse, Himalayan, ii. 124.
Gum arabic, i. 54.
Gurjun trees, ii. 332.
H im a l a y a , view of snowy, i.
86, 112, 175 ; ii. 70, 286,
295 ; vegetation of outer, i. 88,
Hodgsonia, ii. 33.
Hooli festival, ii. 12.
Horn-bills, i. 177.
Hornet, ii. 49.
Hot baths, i. 289 ; ii. 126.
Hot springs, ii. 126, 140 ; Lepcha
lad sleeps in, 188.
I lam , i. 172.
Insects, i. 74, 143, 148, 264 ; ii.
42, 50, 84.
Iron smelting, ii. 304.
Islumbo pass, i. 264 ; vegetation of,
i. 265.
J a in sect, i. 15.
Jeelpigoree, ii. 10; Eajah of, ii. 12,
Jews’ harp, ii. 224.
Jheels, ii. 262 ; Flora and Fauna
of, ii. 265.
Jigatzi, ii, 176.
Jongri, i. 331.
JungBahadoor, ii. 250.
Junnoo mountain, i. 251.
K am b a c h en village, i. 246.
Kangaroos, i. 6.
Kiang, ii. 178.
Kinchin-jhow glacier, ii. 140.
Kinchin-junga, i. 322 ; circuit of,
i. 327 ; glaciers, ii. 71.
Khasia, excessive rain-fall of, ii.
283 ; Flora, ii. 271, 282 ; mountains,
ii. 267 ; mountains, expedition
to, ii. 255; people, ii. 275;
people, monuments of, ii. 311.
Kishengunj, ii. 256.
Kollong hill, ii. 290.
Kongra Lama, ii. 98.
Kulhait river, i. 265.
Kunker, i. 11.
Kus-kus, i. 36.
Kymore hills, i. 33, 46.
Lac, i. 8.
Lachen, ii. 39, 53 ; valley, vegetation
of, ii. 60.
Lachen-Lachoong, ii. 39.
Lachoong, ii. 39.
Lake beds, ancient, i. 234, 249,
Lainas, dance of, i. 218 ; worship,
i. 104, 294.
Land-slips, ii. 41, 45, 112, 125,
Larch, Himalayan, i. 245.
Leaf-insect, ii. 300.
Leebong, i. 134.
Leeches, i. 98,157; ii. 42.
Lepchas, i. 117, 165 ; cups of, i.
123; dress of, i. 121 ; food of,
i. 123; marriages of, i. 125 ;
religion of, i. 126.
Leucas, ii. 10.
Lhassa, i. 283.
Lichens, i. 329 ; ii. 179, 184.
Limboos, i-. 128 ; customs of, i. 129.
Lizard, i. 31.
M ad daobund, i. 14.
Magras, i. 130.
Mahanuddee river, i. 89, 92 ; ii.
Mahowa, i. 13.
Mainom mountain, i. 291.
Maize, hermaphrodite, i. 148.
Maldah, ii. 258.
Mango, i. 55.
Manis, i. 201.
Mantis, ii. 300.
Mechis, i. 92 ; fisherman, ii. 26.
Meepo, i. 189 ; ii. 37.
Megna river, ii. 326.
Mendongs, i. 201, 270.
Mesua ferrea, ii. 318.
Mirzapore, i. 57.
Moflong, ii. 287.
Momay Samdong, ii. 128, 185.
Monghyr, i. 79.
Monkeys, ii. 59, 121.
Mon Lepcha, i. 320.
Monuments in Khasia, ii. 311.
Moormis, i. 130.
Moraines, ancient, i. 221, 236, 246,
248 ; ii. 7, 85, 92, 118, 128,
140, 142.
Morung, ii. 5, 8.
Mosquitos, ii. 324.
Moxa, ii. 39.
Mudar, i. 26.
Mungeesa peak, i. 47.
Munnipore dance, ii. 321.
Murwa beer, i, 124, 164, 275.
Musk deer, i. 256 ; ii. 59.
Muslin manufacture, ii. 261.
Myong valley, scenery of, i. 173.
Mywa Guola, i. 186.
N agas, ii. 322.
Nageesa, ii. 318.
Nango mountain, i. 227, 241; pass,
i. 242 ; vegetation at, i. 243.
Neongong, lake of, i. 290; temple
of, i. 293.
Nepal, expedition to, i. 168.
Nettles, i. 173; ii. 192; uses of, i.
Nicotiana rustica, ii. 239.
Nightingales, i. 310 ; ii. 153.
Ñipa fruticans, L 1 ; ii. 338.
Nitrate of lime, i. 37.
Nymphcea pygnum, ii. 307.
O l ib a n um , i. 25.
Opium, manufacture of, i. 75.
Orchideee, ii. 282.
Ortolan, i. 89.
Ovis Ammon, i. 234.
P a l k e e travelling, i. 4.
Palung plains, ii. 101, 146.
Paper from Daphne, i. 181, 195,