Acacia, i. 8; Catechu, i. 45.
Acorns, ii. 2.
Alligator, i. 44, 47.
Alpine vegetation, ii. 99, 106,123,
137, 151.
Amlali, conference with, ii. 216.
Andromeda fastigiata, i. 321.
Aralia as fodder, i. 336.
Ararat, Mount, ii. 30.
Arums, food from, ii. 69, 83.
Arun river, ii. 148.
Atmosphere, pressure of, ii. 149.
Aurora borealis, i. 31.
Bala/nophora, ii. 68.
Bamboos, i. 146, 149, 295.
Banyan, ii. 253.
Beejaghur, i. 49.
Bees’-nests, i. 190 ; ii. 41.
Behar, hills of, i. 28.
Benares, ii. 65 ; observatory at, ii.
Betel pepper, i. 90.
Bhagulpore, i. 81 ; Horticultural
gardens of, i. 82.
Bhomsong, i. 280 ; ii. 35.
Bhomtso, ii. 132, 171 ; ascent of,
ii. 179.
Bhotan coolies, i. 171, 174, 263.
Bhoteas, i. 127, 205.
Birds, ii. 22, 168.
Boodhist monuments, i. 134, 137.
Bomellia thurifera, i. 25.
Boulders, i. 191.
Brick tea, i. 202.
Buckwheat, wild, ii. 54.
Burdwan, i. 5 ; coal-fields of, i. 7 ;
palace of Rajah, i. 5.
Burrampooter, alteration of bed, ii.
259 ; course of, ii. 177.
Butea frondosa, i. 8.
C a o h a r , i i . 3 1 9 .
Ccesalpinia paniculata, i. 22.
Calcutta Botanic gardens, i., 2, 3 ;
ii. 250.
Calotropis, i. 26.
Camels, i. 10, 54.
Campbell, Dr., at Bhomsong, i.
280 ; at Tumloong, ii. 196 ; bad
treatment of, ii. 209 ; interview
with Rajah, i. 285 ; join him in
prison, ii. 218 ; leaves Dorjiling,
i. 266 ; ii. 152 ; released, ii. 244;
removed from Tumloong, ii. 234 ;
superintendent of Dorjiling, i.
107; taken prisoner, ii. 206;
visits Sikkim, ii. 154.
Cane bridge, i. 140 ; ii. 38.
Catechu, i. 45.
Cathcartia, ii. 202.
Catsuperri lake, i, 339 ; temples,
i. 341.
Chait, i. 338.
Chakoong, vegetation of, ii. 43.
Changachelling temples, i. 344.
Charcoal for gunpowder, i, 8.
Chattuc, ii. 267.
Chela village, ii. 300,
Children’s toys, i. 317.
Chillong hill, view from, ii. 288.
Chittagong, ii. 330.
Cholamoo lake, ii. 132, 164.
Chola pass, ii. 203.
Cholera tree, i. 25.
Choonjerma pass, i. 250.
Q 2