whereupon his own men sprang upon him, disarmed
and hound him, and were about conveying him to
Leopoldville when the boat fortunately arrived to take
them across. He admitted he had been set free from
his bonds by the coxswain.
The two men who had been found guarding him, in
their direct and circumstantial story, proved that their
officer had suddenly developed an homicidal mania.
He had attempted to shoot poor Bwa-bwa Njali, and
had actually shot his chief sergeant in the head, which
provoked his own garrison to disarm and bind him.
During the night following he had burst his bonds and
fled into the woods, where he had been discovered next
morning. Being recaptured, and rebound, he was
conveyed to the river side, whither soon after the
boat arrived, and its crew, taking charge of the prisoner
and his guard, brought them to Leopoldville.
My servant Dualla was sent over to Bwa-bwa Njali’s,
to transport the party back again to Leopoldville.
On the return of Dualla, corroborating the truth of
-the charge against the officer, the unfortunate gentleman
was taken under escort to Yivi with an order of
dismissal from the service.
On the 22nd of July, a courier canoe arrived from
Mswata station with the .dreadful intelligence that
Lieutenant Janssen and the Abbe Gfuyot, with eleven
lof their people, while descending the Congo from the
new Kwamouth station to Mswata, during a gale of
¡•wind, were drowned.
On the 31st of July an expedition was sent to