Luzalla Kindunga, a chief, i. 165
Lynch law in Congo-land, ii. 194
Mahengu mountain, i. 391
Mahoko village, ii- 46
Mabruki, little, i. 178; 273, 274, 276, 277 ;
Mabula, i. 416, 417
Mabwa village, i. 416
Mackenzie, Dr. (Duke Town), ii. 233
Madeira, i. 460, 461
Maña Island, i. 44
Magwala, a chief of Irebu, ii. 25, 26; ii.
Magwalé, Mwaka of Mkimbwete, i. 165
Mahogany, ii. 30, 67, 374
Mahoney, Mr. Frank, i. 159
Maize, ii. 357, 375
Makahi, an ivory factor, i. 295; a chief of
Ntamo, i. 306, 392, 490; ii. 191
Makanga, a chief of Zinga, i. 315
Makeya Manguba, i. 206, 208, 209, 213-
215, 218, 221
Makoko of Usansi, i. 18; Chief of Mbé
cedes territory to France, i. 292, 293,
298, 323, 326-331, 332, 343, 507, 508;
ii. 192
Makoko’s sword, i. 332
Makukuru, a chief of Nganza, ii. 99
Makula, i. 112
Makuta, i. 225
Makweta, a chief, i. 165
Malafu, a fee for a judge, ii. 44; native
name for palm wine, i. 295
Malameen, a Senegal sergeant, i. 251, 292,
> 293,297,299,375,408
Malaria, ii. 287; 304, 305, 317
Malélé, a chief, i. 165
Malet, Sir Edward, ii. 393, 396, 398, 399
Malima, i. 295, 509; ii. 3, 302
Malingering, ii. 246, 247; i. 379
Mamballa, i. 82
Mambwé country, i. 8 ; ii. 364; plateau, ii.
Managers of factories, i. 73
Manchester correspondence, i. 25 ; produce,
i. 30 ; Chamber of Commerce, ii. 383
Manga, i. 518, 519, 520, 525; ii. 57, 58,
60, 61
Mangi, a chief of Itimbi, ii. 2
Mangoes at Gaboon, ii. 231; Congo, ii.
Mangombo, chief of Irebu, ii. 20, 21,22, 23,
24,. 25, 26,42-45
Mang rove, i. 77
Manguru, of Boloho, ii. 2
Mani village, ii. 207
Manioc, ii. 357
Manipambu of Loango, i. 18; chief of
Chissanga, i. 474
M anloads, weight of, i. 242, 346
M answala, a chief, i. 490; ii. 191
Manteka, ii. 215
Mantu beer, i. 512; village, 511, 512
Mantumba Lake, ii. 27, 46, 47, 344, 354
Manyanga, i. 70, 191, 192, 212, 216, 266,
267, 268, 269, 270, 271, 375, 377, 381,
422, 445, 476, 477, 478, 489, 513 ; ii. 211,
287, 289, 292, 298, 304, 320, 339, 370;
contract with the chief, i. 278, 279;
market, incident at, i. 281; erecting the
station at, i. 279; support of the station,
i. 283; intended as a central depot; i.
284; garrison at, i. 285; troubles at, ii.
52; an expensive station, ii. 212
Manyara, i. 43
Manyema i. 8 ■
March, Mons., i. 231
Marches, hours for, ii. 314, 324
Marenga Mkali, i. 46
Mariatta, a chief, i. 165
Marigny, Marquis de, i. 14
Maringu, ii. 363
Maritime and mountain region, area of,
ii. 343; region of the Congo, description
of, ii. 340, 341
Market, incident at Manyanga, i, 281; at
Leopoldville, i. 500; for animals, ii. 2
Marketing, native,' i. 221, 254
Markets, ii. 245; fixed days for native, i.
203; native, i. 282; closing,!. 319;
Uyanzi, i. 421; Stanley Pool, i. 421 ;
cloth, ii. 177; at TJjiji, ii. 364
Marking-ink plant, ii. 358
Marriage celebration at Kintamo, i. 377
Marseilles, i. 21
Martinson, Martin, Danish sailor, i. 71,
Ma-sikamba, i. 40-44, 46
Masiku of Masanda, i. 165
Massabe, i. 488 ; boundary, ii. 401
Massacre, threatened with, i. 304; a
horrible sacrificial, ii. 180-182
Massala, the Lingsterj i. 123, 132, 133,
135, 136, 161; shooting o 1', i. 471, 472
Massari, Signor, ii. 225
Massassa, i. 315
Mata Bwyki of Bangala, ii. 80-82, 84, 85,
87, 89, 173, 178 1 - ^
Ma-taddi Nzazzi, i. 90
Mataddi Point, i. 115
Matako (brass rods), ii. 22
Matanga, a chief, i. 165
Matoma’s village, i. 488
Mavangu, a chief, i. 165
Mawembe, ii. 138
Maxwell, Captain, i. 82, 86, 112
Mayflower (the) in 1620, ii. 379
Mayomba: see Myumba.
Mayumba Bay, i. 114, 115, 120
Mballa, a chief, i. 490
Mbama Hill, i. 347
Mbangu, i. 518
Mbd district, i. 507, 509-513; ii. 192
Mbelo, i. 315 ; ii. 210
Mbembe-Kissa, i. 248
Mbembé, son of Mata Bwyki, ii. 173
Mbihé, i. 421-424; river, i. 410-411; ii.
Mbika, River, i. 287, 403
Mbimbi, ii. 193, 194,207
Mboma : see Boma.
Mbundi Afunda rapids, i. 253
Mburra, native name for Congo, ii. 135
Mbutchi, i. 422
Meats, tinned, ii. 322
Medical attendance, i. 152 ; luxuries, ii.
. 247
Medicine men, i. 199, 200
“ Medicine to make wealth grow,” ii. 28
Medicines for the tropics, ii. 325, 327
Mediterranean, i. 28
Meeting at the Royal Palace, Brussels,
i. 26
Melons : see Fruit.
Memorial stones of the Portuguese, i. 14
Memory, a good, i. 297
Men for the expedition, hiring, i. .31
Men-at-arms at Vivi, i. 130
Men-of-war at Ponta da Lenha, i. 85
Merchants on the Congo, their character,
i. 32
Meri, another name for Welle River,
Merolla, Father, explorer, i. 2 ; his description
of the great river, i. 4, 18
Méte, a chief, i. 165
Meteorological tables, ii. 330-338 ; observations,
ii. 312
Mfini River, i. 410, 411, 419,421,422,424 ;
ii. 27
Mfwa, i. 251, 294, 295, 300, 478, 509 ; ii.
Mgangaism, ii. I l l
Mgangila, i. 179, 201, 210 ; chiefs, i. 202 ;
plateau, ii. 216
Miani, another name for Welle River.
Miasma, ii. 287, 304, 310, 311, 317, 319
Mickic, Mr., ii. 225
“ Middlemen ” traders, i. 387
Mikené River, i. 519 ; ii. 65
Mikené-AIima River, ii. 345
Mikunga, i. 393, 397 ; chiefs, i. 388 I
Mileage of journeys, i. 190,191
Milk unobtainable, ii. 322
Millet, ii. 357 ; bread, i. 431
Minerals, ii. 356
Minnow fishing, i. 262
Mirambo, a faithful ass, i. 184
Mirando, King of Urambo, i. 39, 40
Missionaries misrepresenting the traders,
i. 100 ; Baptist, 225 ; repulsed by natives,
i. 251 ; Roman Catholio, repulsed by the
natives, i. 308, 445 ; at Leopoldville,
i. 496
Mission, a pretty, station, ii. 212, 213 ;
children, ii. 213 ; at Banza Manteka,
ii. 214 ; at Pallaballa, ii. 217 ; (French)
at Landana, ii. 229 : at Gaboon, ii. 231 ;
• at Creek Town (Calabar), ii. 233
Missions in Congo-land, i. 11, 13, 16;
French Catholic, at Boma, i. 100; contending,
i. 496, 497; Roman Catholic,
ii. 50; at Leopoldville, ii. 50
Missionary effor.t3, ii. 185; stations, ii. 363 ;
enterprise, ii. 377
Missionary Society, London, i. 40
Mississippi, comparison to, i. 401; ii. 78,
374, 375
Missongo missionary station, ii. 185
Miyongo of Usindi, ii. 49,50,58, 60,61, 65,
67-69, 80, 182, 345
Moderation in food and drink, ii. 295
Moeni Kheri, i. 42
Moenzi Nzaddi, native name for the river,
i. 7
Moffat, Dr., ii. 385
Mohindu River, ii. 32, 344: see Ikelcmbo.
Mokulu Town, ii. 115-119,124, 133
Mombassa Creek, £ 58
Mompara, i. 40, 42
Mompurengi villages, i. 515
Monanga, a chief of Zinga, i. 315, 316
Monet, Mons., ii. 224, 277
Money carried by an expedition, i. 48
fines for bloodshed, i. 524
Mongo, i. 518; ii. 57; a chief, i. 519
Monkey skins, ii. 354
islands, i. 82
Monkeys, ii. 6, 8
Monotony of scenery, ii. 5
Montes Quemados, i. 17
Montiero, Joachim, i. 102
Moore, Mr. A. H., i. 145, 159, 196, 209
Morgan, U.S. Senator, i. 36
Morton & Co., Francis, London, i. 145
Mosquito nets, i. 422
Mosquitoes, i. 422
Mountain and maritime region, area of, ii.
Mountainous region of the Congo, ii. 341
Mountains, i. 390, 391
Mowa, i. 287, 315, 469
Mpa, ii. 98
Mpagassa, 209, 210 ; River, i. 164,201,204
Mpakambendi, i. 286, 287, 311, 312, 316,
445; ii. 207, 210
Mpalanga, i. 321, 322, 403; a breakdown
at, i. 480
Mpama, an erroneous name, i. 3
Mpamba Ngulu, i. 175, 179, 181
Mpangi, i. 163
Mpangu, ii. 208,209, 211
Mpika, a chief of Irebu, ii. 25, 26, 42, 43,
44, 45; village, ii. 207
Mpioga River, ii. 211
Mpissa, ii. 171
Mpokwa, i. 46
Mpozo River i. 403
Mpumbu market, ii. 2
Mpumu Ntaba, i. 407, 408; of Mbe, i. 18
Mputu Creek, i. 64
Mpwapwa, i. 49