Mpwelele, i. 165
Msampala, i. 288; narrows, i. 818
Msenne', tie guide, ii., 14, 39,40, 44
Mswata, i. 398, 399, 405-409, 422, 436,
445, 481, 507,509; ii. 26,50,51,55,302;
growth of, i. 511
Mtesa of Uganda, i. 291
Mubangu, ii. 215
Mubi, a chief of Ntamo, i. 306, 490; ii.
M1u9d1 alive with crabs, i. 77
Muijuba, a chief, i. 513
Mukana, village, i. 432; Point, i. 254, 255
Mukondokwa, i. 46
Mukoss River, i. 288, 289
Mukuku, chief of Yambinga, ii. 107-109
Muleke district, i. 428, 429
Muller, Mons., i. 73
Muluangu, ii. 214
Mulwassi River, ii. 207
Mundele, meaning a white, i. 132 ; Masuna
plains, i. 390
Mungala, i. 286
Mungawa, a chief, ii. 14, 48
Mungolo, i. 518 ; ii. 57, 59
Munroe, Mr. J. (Duke Town), ii. 233
Münster, Count, ii. 384
Murchison, Sir Roderick, i. 7
Murder, a rumour of, i, 489; of two men at
Bolobo, i. 516, 517, 523; compensation
for, i. 525, 527
Muscovy ducks, ii. 13
Mushirongos, i. 83
Mussanga-land, ii. 109
Mussuko, i. 74, 96,105,108,112,113,133,
141, 144,145, 449 ; ü. 302
Musye, i. 415, 419-422
Munono, i. 431, 432, 444
Muta-Nzige Lake, ii. 358
Mutembo, ii. 91, 94, 96, 111
Mutumba village, i. 433
Muvanga, i. 163
Muzonzila, i. 162,164,166,172,186
Mvula, a chief of Zinga, i. 315, 316
Mvuzi streamlet, i. 173
Mwana Mundele, i. 380
Mwekwanga, a chief, i, 519, 520, 525
Mwembe, ii. 214
Mweru Lake, i. 8 ; ii. 340, 360
Mwitikira, i. 46
Myombi, chief of Bumba, ii. 104
Myrrh, ii. 354, 374
Mystification, charge on the expedition,
Myumba, ii. 229
Nachtigal, Dr., i. 34, 36; ii. 385
Nakussa, a headman ot Manyanga, l. 268
Name of Stanley picked up by natives,
ii. 1.7 ’ :
National Committees, i. 35, 36
, Natives,—character, i. 29, 30,313, 314; n.
343 j avarice, i. 46; confederation, i. 53;
customs not to be changed, i. 53, 54;
workmen, i. 146, 149; stories of the
white man, i. 184; tracks, i. 192; indolence,
i. 193; fondness of gin, i. 202;
friendliness, i. 254; hostility aroused at
Malima and Mfwa, i. 300; dishonesty,
i. 304; inebriety, i. 315; idleness, i. 393;
experience of Europeans, i. 517; chiefs,
wealth of, ii. 2, 3; definition of rivers
and lakes, ii. 27; superstitions, ii. 28,29;
surprise at steamers, ii. 12, 16, 29,105 ;
manufacture of pottery, ii. 48 ^ wars,
slight provocation of, ii. 62; visitors at
Ldopoldville, influence of, ii. 73; roads,
ii. 104; drum signals, ii. 158; chiefs and
districts, list of, ii. 198-204; workers,
i. 203; chiefs, forms of treaties with, ii.
195, 196, 197, 205, 206; enlistment for
transport, ii. 225; chiefs at Calabar,
iron houses of, ii. 233; villages, healthy
sites of, ii. 302, 303; eagerness for trade,
ii. 367 ; chiefs, treaties with, ii. 379,380_;
chiefs, soothing, i. 490, 491; roads, i.
189; welcome, a happy, ii. 19; how to
trade with, i. 99,100; surprise at paid
work, i. 143,144; liable to oonceive suspicion,
i. 169, 170 ; fair dealing with
tbe, i. 170; visiting Vivi, i. 189; too
rich to work, i. 193; European frigid
towards, i. 248 ; doubtful at Manyanga,
i. 269; dangers of rupture with the,
i. 314; refusing to attack us, i. 369;
Mfwa, i. 374; companionable, i. 392,
394; hostile, i. 432, 442, 514; ii. 4, 11,
36, 78, 1 1 1 , 113; feasibility of trade
with, i. 463; friendly welcome from, i.
481; treaties with, i. 495; ii. 48; at
Leopoldville, difficulty with, i. 491-
494; difficulties of quarrels with, l. 523,
524,526 ; mercantile knowledge among,
ii. 22, 23; war dance of, ii. 35; praising
their villages, ii. 30 ; expressionless, ii.
68; timid, ii. 103, 127; skilful workmanship
of,ii. 123; unfortunate, ii. 140 ;
thieving, ii. 84, 173,174; at war, ii. 23
Nature and Habit, i. 199
Navigation, Actes de, ii. 396, 397
Navigation of the Congo, i. 85, 86,113,114,
116; ii. 339, 340, 346, 366; Lubilash,
ii. 169; Lumani, ii. 169
Nchuvila, chief of Kinshassa, i. 250, 298,
Ndambi Mbongo, i. 165, 175, 180, 231,
234; natives, i. 237
Ndinga, chief of Bolombo, ii. 84
Ndobo village, ii. 103
Ndu Kumbi, i. 430
Ndua, i. 429, 430
Ndunga, i. 265, 269; ii. 212; dancing, l.
265, 266; mountains, i. 261; rapids, i.
262, 264 266 <
Negotiations at Ntamo, coast of, i. 310;
with Ngalyema, difficult, i. 308, 309 ; at
Usansi.i. 327-331; tedious with Africans,
i. 429 ; for peace, ii. 44,45 ; for peace at
Bolobo, ii. 60, 61
Negro state, difficulty of forming a, i. 54
Nekké River, ii. 131
Nempambu, a chief, i. 165
Nepoko River, ii. 131
Nevangi, a chief, i. 165
Neve, Mr. Paul, i. 226, 239, 283
Newspapers, thè threat of writing to the,
i. 71
New Yorle Herald and Daily Telegraph
Expedition, i. 8, 58
New York, branoh society at, i. 36
Nezan, a chief, i. 165
Nfumu, the title of Congo chiefs, i. 17
—— Nguma, i. 505, 506
Ngako, chief of Kintamo, i 304, 306, 380,
381, 392, 490, 507; ii. 191
Ngaku River, ii. 212
Ngalyema, Chief of Ntamo, i. 250, 300,
303, 304^307, 308, 309, 318-320, 337,
344, 348-350, 377, 372, 381-383, 387,
392, 490, 492, 493, 508 ; ii. 52,189-191 ;
in arms, i. 332-336 ; and Buia Matari,
i. 357 ; his character, i. 358 ; wily stratagems
of, i. 358, 359 ; a braggart, i. 360 ;
threatening attitude of, i. 362, 369;
peace with, i. 367, 373-
Ngamberengi the chief, i. 323, 332, 348,
493 ; ii. 192
Ngana, i. 433 ; River, i. 444 ; ii. 344
Ngandu, a chief, i. 165, 171-173
Nganza, ii. 99
Ngeté, i. 428
Ngingiri River, another name for Itimbiri.
Ngoma, i. 288, 234-236, 238; ii. 192;
mountain, i. 179, 181-183, 229, 230;
point, i. 187, 223, 229 ; rapids, i. 183 ;
village, ii. 207
Ngoma’s village, i. 325, 332
Ngombé, an erroneous name, i. 3 ; a Chief
of Mgangila, i. 165 ; ii. 17, 18, 21,. 25,
49, 183,207
Ngombi, 194, 320
Ngoyo, i, 73, 261-263
Ngufu-Mpanda of Banza Sombo, i. 129
Niadi, meaning a river, i. 2
Nieman, Herr, i. 450
Niger, comparison to the, i. 401
Night air, exposure to, ii. 283-285, 308
Nile, the, i. 8 ; comparison to the, i. 401 ;
ii. 8
Nilis, Lieutenant, i. 382, 409
Njali, meaning a river, i. 2
Njugu, nephew of Mata Bwyki, ii. 173-
Nkamampu, a chief, i. 165
Nkengé i. 260 : river, i. 182, 183 ; plain,
the, i, 187
Nkenké : see Lubamba.
Nkingi, a chief, i. 165
Nkongolo, station at, 113,114
Nkuku district, ii. 18, 19, 21; river, ii.
Nkusu, the, i. 153, 160 ; bridge over the,
i, 186; bridge at, ii. 223; ravine, i. 120,
122 ; ii. 301 ; valley, i. 148
Nkutu River, another name for the Kwa,
i. 412
Noble officers, ii. 255-279
Nokki, i. 17, 96, 111, 113,114, 162, 179;
ii. 215, 401
Nomaza cove, i. 115, 120, 121
Nomenclature, erroneous, in Congo-land, i.
Nostalgia, i. 224; ii. 241
Nozo, chief at Pallaballa, ii. 217
Nsaka, a chief of Zinga, i. 315
Nsakala, the lingster, i. 116,133
Nsakala Mpwassa, a chief, i. 165
Nsambana Island, ii. 38
Nsanda, i. 116,161,163,164,179 ; payment
for right of way at, i. 170; markets, i.
175; chiefs, meeting of, i. 164-169;
natives, i. 209, 210
Nsangu ferry, i. 325, 478; mountains, i.
390; ii. 193
Nseke, meaning “ inland,” i. 3
Nsekelelo, i. 166,172,173, 222
Nseleh River, i. 395,403
Nselo ferry, ii. 193
Nsona Mamba ferry, i. 259
Ntaba of Malima, i. 299
Ntamo, i. 303, 307-311
Ntolulu, a chief, i. 165
Ntombi’s dark ravine, i. 245; cove, i. 250
Ntombo-a-Langa, i. 200, 201
Lukuti grove, ii. 214
Lukuti, ii. 215, 299
Mtaka, i. 267, 269
Nu-ampozo River, i. 120, 128
Nutmeg, ii. 358
Nyadi, meaning a river, i. 2
Nyam-Nyaqi country, ii. 351
Nyangwe, i. 8, 20, 40, 43, 216; ii. 340,
359, 360 ; Arabs, ii. 142; falls, ii. 360
Nyassa Lake, i. 7
Nyongena Mountain, i. 179,187. 223, 227,
229, 234
Nyungu, i. 40, 43
Nzabi, i. 287 . .
Nzaddi, meaning a river, i. 2
Nzali, meaning a river, i. 2
Nzambi (God), ii. 44; rapids, i. 255-257
Nzari, meaning a river, i. 2
Nzungi, a village of carriers, ii. 207
Objects of the Berlin Conference, ii. 393
Ocean steamers, on the Congo, i. 85, 86
Officer, a homicidal, ii. 55
Officers at Vivi, i. 159; of the expedition,
their number, i. 67; noble, ii. 255-279
Ogowai River, i. 159, 231, 233, 234
OU-berry, ii. 353; palm, ii. 367