The Berlin For the Republic of theUnited John A. Kasson, Esq., Envoy Extraordi-
Conference. states of North America . nary and Minister Plenipotentiary.
Henry S. Sanford, Esq., formerly American
Minister to Belgium.
Eor the Republic of France . Alphonse, Baron de Courcel, Ambassador
Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary.
For the United Kingdom of Sir Edward Baldwin Malet, Ambassador
Great Britain and Ireland Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary,
and the Empire of India.
Eor the Kingdom of Italy , Edward, Count de Launay, Ambassador
Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary.
For the Kingdom of the Phillippe Frederic, Jonkheer Van der
Netherlands and the Duchy Hoeven, Envoy Extraordinary and
of Luxembourg. , Minister Plenipotentiary.
For the Kingdom of Portugal Senhor da Serra Gomes, Marquis de Pena-
and the Algarves. . . • fiel, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister
Senhor Antoine Serpa de Pimentel, Councillor
of State.
For the Empire of all the Pierre, Count Kapnist, Privy Counsellor,
Russias................................ Envoy Extraordinary, and Minister
Plenipotentiary to the King of the
For the Kingdom of Sweden Gillis, Baron Bildt, Lieut.-General, Envoy
and Norway. . . i i Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary.
For the Empire of the Otto- Meheroed Said Pacha, Vizier and High
.................................... Dignitary, Ambassador Extraordinary
and Plenipotentiary.
In the suite and attached to these high, and puissant
functionaries were the various delegates and experts
who were either appointed by their respective Governments
or by the Plenipotentiaries themselves.
With the German Representatives . Herr Adolphfe Woerman.
„ French Ambassador . . Mons. Dubuisson.
Mons. Engelhardt.
Dr. Ballay.
„ British Ambassador . . Hon. Robert H. Meade.
Henry Percy Anderson, Esq.
Mr. Hemming.
Mr. W. E. Crowe.
Italian Ambassador . . Count Christoforo Negri.
Senator Montegazza.
With the Spanish Ambassador . . Col. Coello y Dusada, President of The Berlin
the Spanish African Society. Conference.
„ Dutch Ambassador . . A. D. Bloeme, Esq., of Banana Point,
Congo River.
,, Portuguese Representa- Senhor Lucia'no Cordeiro.
tives Capt. Carlos du Bocage.
„ Belgian Ambassador . . Col. Strauch.
Mons. Emile Banning.
„ American Plenipotentiaries The Author, as Technical Adviser.
The secretaries of the Conference were Mons. Raindre,
of the French Embassy, Count Wm. Bismarck, and
Vice-Consul Dr. Schmidt.
The sittings were held in the German Chancellor’s
palace on Wilhelmstrasse, in the same room where the
Berlin Congress sat in 1878.
When the members of the Conference had assembled,
the afternoon of the 15th of November, Prince Bismarck
rose to formally open it, and in his short address he
declared that the Conference had met for the solution
of three main objects, namely :—
1. The free navigation, with freedom of trade, on
the River Congo.
2. The free navigation of the River Niger.
3. The formalities to be observed for valid annexation
of territory in future on the African continent.
Sir Edward Malet replied, that while he echoed the
philanthropic sentiments of the Prince, and accepted
the above three points for discussion, his Government
was willing to see the principles of Free Trade applied
to the Niger, hut stipulated that the surveillance
over the execution of those principles should not be
conceded to any international body, as that was the
duty and privilege of Great Britain, being the chief