Oil-river at Old Calabar, ii. 232
Old Calabar River, ii. 232
“ Old Tom,” ü. 319
Obviera, Dr., i. 450
One Palm Point, i. 434
Onion, ii. 357
Opposition from Ngalyema, 332-342
Orange, the Prince of, i. 35
trees, ii. 246
Orban, Lieut., i. 487, 489, 519
Orehilla weed, ii. 92, 97,342,353,356,367,
Organisation of expeditions, i. 39-44;
of eastern expeditions, i. 45
Orycterope, i. 205
Oscar Pérè, i. 45
Ostend, ii. 237
Overland conveyance of steamers, ii 182.
227, 228 ; ii, 264
Oyster shell heaps, ii. 104
Ozi River, i. 58
Padräo, Rio de, former name of the Congo,
Phillippeville, i. 477; ii. 277; copper mines,
ii. 356
Piedmont, the Prince de, i. 35
Pigeon, wild, i. 207
Pigs, ii. 207
Pike, ii. 160
Pillar Point, i. 12; river, 1. 1
Pillars Portuguese Stone, l. 1; their purpose,
i. 1
Padron Point, i. 63 __
Palaballa Mountain, i. 120, 162, 179,205;
ii. 215, 217
Palavers,—at Vivi, i. 123, 129, 130, 132,
133-137; at Ntamo, i. 309; at Nsanda,
i. 164-170; at Kintamo, i. 372; at
>1 swat a, i. 405, 407; at Stanley Falls,
ii. 161,162
Palisades in leaf, i. 152
Palm butter, ii. 342
juice, ii. 192
oil, ii. 355; oil shipments at Old
Calabar, ii. 232 _
wine, i. 165,180, 214, 307; n. 322
Palmas Cape, i. 78
Palms, i..513, 518; ii. 5, 92, 341, 352, 367
Palmyra Reach, i. 106, 112
Papaw trees, ii. 246
Papyrus, ii. 6 ; panliquorum, u. 354
Parfoury, Lieut., i. 478; ii. 269
Paris, a meeting in, i. 23, 24
Park, Mungo, ii. 385
Parmenter, Major, ii. 224, 271, 273
Parroquets, ii. 8 ..
Parrots, i. 207, 419, 436; n. 6, 8
Patience, the virtue of, i. 46, 49
Payment of native carriers, i. 346
Peace, celebration of, ii. 63, 64; negotiations,
ii. 26; at Irebu, ii. 42, 45 , at
Bolobo, ii. 60, 61
Pelicans, i. 417
Personnel of a station, i. 37
Peschuel Loesche, Dr., i. 376, 447, 448,
449; ii. 387
Pestilential vapour, ii. 300, 301
Pettit Hubert, i. 208 , „ .
Philanthropic expeditions, character ot, l.
24; views, ii. 406
Phcenix Spinosa, ii. 354
i. 10 ,1 1
Pilot of Banana, i. 63
Pilots, jottings for Congo, l. 403, 404, 405
Pincoffs and Kerdyck, Messrs., i. 72
Pine Apples: see Fruit. .
Pioneers, foreign, i. 195 ; native, l. 198 _
Piqafetta’s.“ Kingdom of the Congo, l. 9
Pirate Creek, i, 64, 77
Pistia Stratiotes, i. 411; ii. 6
Plane-trees, ii. 30, 66
Plantains, ii. 357 .. QQ„
Plenipotentiaries at Berlin, n. 391, oaz,
Plumbago, ii. 357
Plymouth, landed at, ii. 236
Pocock Francis, i. 313; ii. 249
i Basin, ii. 210
Pogge, Dr., ii. 351, 387
Point Padron, i. 63
Ponta da Lenha, i. 74, 77, 82, 83, 85, 87,
88, 96,104
Pope Innocent S., i. 16
— Paul V., i. 4, 16
Popelin, Captain, i. 43, 44 .
Population, ii. 343; of Zmga, l. 315;
of Bolobo, i. 518; of native villages, n.
45; tables of, ii. 349, 350; of Upper
Congo region, ii. 349-351; of Webb-
Lualaba region, ii. 360; of Tanganika
territory, ii. 362; of Chambezi region,
ii. 362; of the Congo basin, ii. 366, 367,
Porterage of goods, price now paid for, ii.
Portuguese Pillars, i. 1,14; their purpose,
i . 10 ,1 1 .
missionary efforts, i. 11,13
Portuguese,—expel the Jaggas, i. 12 ; cession
of territory to-the, i. 1 2 ; fort at
Kabinda, i. 14; exercised no authority
on the Congo bank, i. 14; expelled from
Kabinda, i. 14; the slave-trade under
the i. 14, 15; mission at San Salvador,
i. 16; traders, i. 92; at Vivi, i. 225;
steamers, discomforts of, i. 458,459,460;
territory, ii. 365, 380, 401, 404; aotion
of the government, ii. 380
Posse, Count, ii. 277
Potatoes, ii. 357; sweet, ii. 243
Pottery, native manufacture of, ii. 48
Power of native chiefs, i. 17-19; i. 508,
509 . •
Preparations for war, i. 333
Presents, i. 406; ii. 23, 90; expectanoy
of i. 164; description of, i. 170;'to
chiefs, i. 185 ; exchanging, i. 288, 307;
claimants for, i, 331; a one-sided balance-
sheet for, i. 359
President for the State, a, ii. 53
Prince’s Island, i. 57, 110, 111, 457
Prison horrors at Loanda, i. 453
Prisoners, two of my men, i. 371
for theft, ii, 174,178,179
Produce, native, i. 193
Products, of mountain region, ii. 342; of
the Upper Congo regions, ii. 352-358;
of Africa, table of value in Liverpool, ii.
Progress, rate of, i. 215, 241, 269, 270
Protectorate of districts, ii. 166; of Boma,
ii. 225
Provisions for an Expedition, i. 48, 49
Pumpkins, ii. 243
Punishment, a terrible, i. 97, 98
Purchas, the English compiler, i. 4
Puritans and the Mayflower, ii. 379
Pythons, i 204
Quarrel with Ngalyema, i. 332-342
Quarrels with natives at Leopoldville,
i. 485; with natives, difficulties of, i.
523, 524, 526
Quatrefages, M. de, i. 36
¡Questions put at the Brussels meeting, i.
Quettah, ii. 236
Quinia as a tonic, ii. 325
Quinine in cases of fever, i. 272-274
Railway at Vivi, ii. 227; between Viva
and Isangila, proposed, i. 186,'187; necessity
for a, i. 463, 464;. for the Congo,
ii. 367, 368 ; probable cost of construction,
ii. 370, 371; probable traffic on a,
ii. 370, 371; proposals, i. 25
Rain, effect of heavy, i. 94
Rainfall observations, ii. 333-338
Rainstorms, ii. 210
Rainy seasons,- the, i. 258 ; health during,
ii. 299
Rank, quarrels about, i. 71, 72
Ransom offered for release of a thief, ii.
Ransoms, i, 260
liaphia vinifera, ii. 352, 351
Rapids, Ruka, ii. 129, 130
Rapine, traces of, ii. 139
Rate of progress, i. 215, 241, 269, 270,
480; ii. 9, 75
Rations, a day’s, i. 48.
purchase of, i. 481
Reasons against bloodshed, i. 523, 524
Recuperation in a temperate climate necessary,
ii. 329
Redwood, ii. 5, 30, 67, 374
powder, ii. 2, 353, 354, 356, 367
Regis & Co., i. 72, 78
Remington rifles, i. 47
Report to King Leopold, ii. 237
Repulse at Malima, i. 299, 300
Resignations, ii. 247
Resolutions passed at Brussels, i. 27
Restrictions on trade, dangers of, i. 464
Retribution, thoughts on, ii. 143
Revenue of proposed railway, ii. 371
Rhine, comparison to, ii. 8
Rice, growth of, ii. 357
Richthofen Baron von, i. 34
Rifles, class of rifles carried, i. 47
Right of way, payment for, i. 170
Rio de Congo, the name on old maps, i. 2
Rio Poderoso, an old name of the Congo,
i. 1
Rise and fall of the Congo,, i. 87
River bank defended by sharp pins, ii.
River courses, old, i. 175
Rivers (see also under special names), the
Aruwimi, ii. 115; Balui, ii. 79, 345;
Biyerre, i. 514; ii. 129-132, 170, 349;:
Black River,, ii. 359; Bundi, i 403;
Bunga, ii. 66 ; Chambezi, ii..358 ; Ghofu,
ii. 153; Edwin Arnold, i 403 ; Gordon
Bennett, i. 403; ii. 53; Gurba, ii. 131;
Ikelemba, ii. 31, 32, 77, 78,. 344; Ikuba,.
ii. 65; lnkissi,. i. 403, 478; i i 193 ;
Isanga, ii. 345; Itimbiri,. ii. 109, 110,.
112, 131,.345, 352; Kwa, ii. 344; Kwilu-
Niadi; i. 403; ii. 214, 225; Lacustrine
Kamolondo,. ii. 360; Lawson-Lufini, i.
509, 512; ii. 345; Leopold, ii. 359;
Lhari, ii. 131; Likuba, ii. 185, 345 ;
Lira, ii. 358, 359 ; Loa, i. 403; Lokulu,
ii. 361; Low-wa, ii. 358, 359; Lualla, i.
403; Luama, ii. 359 ; Lubamba, i. 403;
11.. 225; Lubansenzi, ii. 361; Lubilash,
11.. 169, 348, 351; Lubiranzi, i i 169,
344, 345, 348 ; Luemme, i. 488 ; Lufu, i.
403 ; ii. 215, 359; Luigi, ii. 359; Luindi,
ii. 359; Luizi, i. 403; ii. 217 ; Lukanga,
ii. 21, 27,28, 45, 46, 344; Lulu, i. 403;
ii. 193; Lulungu, ii. 76-78, 344, 352;
Lumami, ii. 169, 348, 359; Lunionzo, i.
403; ii. 214; Mbika, i. 403; Mbihe,
ii. 344; Mfini, ii, 27; Mikene, i. 519;
ii. 65; Mikene-Alima, ii. 345; Mohindu,
ii. 344; Mpioga, i i 211 ; Mpozo, i. 403;
Mpalanga, i. 403; Mulwassi, ii. 207 ;
Nekke, ii. 131; Nepoko, ii. 131; Ngaku,
ii. 212 ; Ngana, i. 444; ii. 344; Nkuku,
ii, 346; Nseleh, i. 395, 403; Ubangi, ii.
345; Ubika, i i 171; Ulindi, ii. 358, 359;
Wampoko, ii. 51; Welle, ii. 126, sqq.
Welle-Makua, ii. 110
Road, “ killing” the, i. 314
in danger through rain, ii. 210
Road-making, i. 141, 142, 145, 154, 155,
181, 187, 190, 191, 196-198, 201, 204-
207, 224, 235-237, 239, 279, 312, 325,
370, 463; ii. 223; negotiating for, i.