Kimpoko, i. 397, 477, 488 ; ii. 51, 302;
station, i. 504, 505, 506; troubles at, ii.
Kindolo, i. 393, 397
King Leopold II. : see Leopold.
Kinkanza, ii. 215
Kinduta, i. 289 ; mountains, i. 390
Kingani River, i. 46, 58
Kingdom of the Congo,” Piqafetta’s book,
i. 9
Kingfishers, i. 397; ii. 6
Kinkela Ndunga, a chief, i. 165
Kinkela-Nku, a chief, i. 165
Kimembo steamer, ii. 228
Kinsende, i. 318
Kinshassa, i. 250, 375, 382, 393, 397, 477,
495, 504; ii. 51, 185, 289, 302, 305, 319,
Kinshassa chiefs, i. 388
Kinswangu, a chief, i. 490
Kintamo, i. 318, 346, 352, 375, 377, 382,
391, 392, 393, 397, 479, 486, 495, 498;
ii. 20, 26, 28, 29, 302; cataract, i. 352,
389; chiefs, number of, i. 350 ; soothing
the chiefs, i. 490
Kintari forest mount, i. 352
Kinzila, ii. 193
Kinzore, i. 315
Kionzo plateau, ii. 216
Kirkbright, Mr. John, i. 145, 159, 196,
Kirkhoven, Mons., ii. 225
Kissanga, i. 81, 82, 85
Kisungwa of Mkimbwete, i. 165
Kitabi, whites in distress at, i. 476
Kitalalo, i. 46
Kites, i. 207
Kiubi, a chief of Zinga, i. 315
Kiyanzi beer, i. 408
Kizalu Hill, ii. 207
Kokoro, son of Mata Bwyki, ii. 86, 173,
174; recognises his son a thief, ii. 174
Kondo Perry, ii. 214
Konko, an ivory trading chief, i. 370, 371
Kruboys, i. 31, 73
Krumaners, i. 31
Krupp gun, astonishing the natives, ii. 63
Kubaba, i. 48
Kudu, i. 126, 206
Kulu, Banza, i. 201
Kulu natives, i. 210
Kuna, i. 231; station, ii. 291
Kunzu Island, i. 259, 260
Kusserow, Herr von, ii. 407
Kutumpuku, i. 519
Kuvoko, i. 250 ; camp, i. 253
Kwa, ii. 401; river, i. 409-416, 511; ii. 30,
50, 344; description of the river, i. 431,
432,433; different colours of the river,
i. 419
Kwamouth, ii. 185; station, ii, 55, 56
Kwango River, another name for the Kwa,
i. 412
Kwanza River, i. 11,12, 454
Kwilu-Niadi, i. 489; ii. 277; expedition to
the, i-470, 471, 474, 476; ii. 212; river,
i. 256, 257, 403; ii. 214, 225; Upper, i.
La Belgique, ss.: see Belgique.
Labour, advantage of human, ii. 93, 94 ;
heroes of, ii. 240
Laoustrine Kamolondo River, ii. 360
Lady Alice Rapids, i. 318
Lagos, ii. 236
Laird Maogregor, ii. 385
Lake Bangweolo, ii. 358, 359 :
Lake Leopold II., i. 70,481,501; ij. 27, 48 ;
circumnavigated, i. 443 ; description of,
i. 443, 444; discovery of, i. 434, 435,
436 ; fishermen, i. 438, 439, 440
Lakes,—Mantumba, ii. 27,46,47, 344,354;
Muta-Nzigd, ii. 358; Tanganika, i. 7, 20,
35, 37, 40, 41, 43, 44, 46; ii. 359, 363
Lakes, native definition of, ii. 27
Lama-Lankori, forest ridge, i. 390; hill,
i. 351
Lamborel, Captain, i. 43
Land cultivated, i. 162; fertility of the. i.
186; ii. 2 1 1 ; instructions regarding the
purchase of, i. 27; high rent for, i. 138
Landana, ii. 229
Landers, ii. 385
Landolphia Florida, i. 192 ; ii. 5, 353
Langa-Langa, ii. 22, 69, 100, 353 ; women
of, ii. 100
Langenburg, Prince Hohenlohe, ii. 399
La Plate, comparison to the, i. 401
Latrobe, Mr., of Baltimore, i. 36
Lava at Kalulu Palls, ii. 211
Laws of the Bangola, ii; 179
Lawson-Lufini River, i. 509, 512, 513; ii.
Lectures on Africa, i. 25: in Germany, ii.
Leehumwa, i. 46
Lehrman, Mons., i. 471; ii. 212, 277
Lema, i. 393, 397; chiefs, i. 388
Leopard skins, ii. 354
Leopold II., King of the Belgians, i. 21,
22, 28, 33, 38, 39, 43; ii. 237, 402, 407
Leopold II. Lake: see Lake Leopold; hill,
i. 354, 389, 391, 495, 496 ; ii, 189, 191
Le'opold River, ii. 359
Leopoldville, i. 149, 408, 442, 445, 469,
477, 488, 513; ii. 20, 38, 50, 51, 52, 53,
55, 56, 57, 73, 288, 289, 290, 298, 304,
305, 319, 339, 343, .357; founding of,
i. 357, 370; erecting a block house at„
i. 375, 376; built, i. 379; trading at,
i. 380, 383, 384; naming the station, i.
386; description of, i. 388, 389; the
neighbouring natives, i. 394; no food
at, i. 478, 479, 480; neglected state of,
i. 481, 482, 483; resignation of its chief,
i. 490; difficulty with natives at, i. 491,
492, 493, 494 ; treaty with natives at, i.
495 ; the entrepôt of the Upper Congo,
i. 498, 500 ; market, i. 500 ; flourishing,
ii. 186 ; a promising farewell at, ii. 189,
191 ; first grave at, ii. 270
Lesseps, Count de, i. 35
Le Stanley, stem-wheeler, ii. 225, 227
Letters,—-from General Sanford, i. 36 ; to
Lieut Cambier from Stanley, i. 39 ; to
Captain Popelin, i. 45 ; to Col. Straueh, i.
52, 151-153, 189-194; to the Comité, i.
283 ; to the President of the Comite', ii.
Lettuces : see Vegetables.
Levy Hills, the, ii. 11
Liberia, ii, 379-382
Liberty, the use of, i. 22, 23
Licentiousness, ii. 253
Liebrechts, Lieut., ii. 184, 277 ; ii. 288, 289
Life, the proper use of, i. 84, 85; on the
Congo, ii. 248; stupid indifference to,
ii. 321
Lightning stone, i. 90
Lignum vitæ, ii. 374
Likona River ; see Isanga.
Likuba River, another name for Ikuba, ii.
Limbu Li Nzambi, i. 90
Limes, ii. 246
Limit of navigation from the sea, i. 116
Lindi branch of Chofu River, ii. 153
Lindner, Mr., i. 277, 278, 283, 286, 311,
Lingenji village, ii. 57, 59
Lingenji, a boy trader, i. 137, 518, 520
Lingster Nsakala, the, i. 116, 123
“ Lingster ” traders, i. 387
Lion and buffalo fight, ii. 51
Lions, i. 509 ; ii. 241
Lion skins, ii. 354
“ Liquoring-up,” ii. 253
Lira River, ii. 358, 359
Little Rapid Camp, i. 251
Liverpool, Chamber of Commerce, ii. 383 ;
Lokinga Mountains, ii. 361
Lokulu River, ii. 361 .
London correspondence, i. 25; Missionary
Society, i, 40
“ Long ” of cloth, a, i. 193
Long Reach, i. 240, 245, 247
Longevity, instances of, i. 316
Lopez, Cape, i. 73
Lopez, Duarto, the explorer, 5, -1, 2, 18;
extraordinary description by, i. 3
Losanswe Mountains, ii. 361
Lost in the forest, i. 177
Lounging, i. 22, 23
Low-wa River, ii. 358, 359
Lualaba, i. 233; river, indentical with the
Congo, i. 8
Lualla River, i. 403
Luama River, ii. 359
Luamba, • a headman of Manyanga, i.
268 .
Luapula River, identical with the Congo, 1. 8.
Luazaza River, i. 182, 184
Lubamba River, 288, 318, 403 ; ii. 225
Lubansenzi River, ii. 361
Lubilash River, ii. 169 ; ii. 348, 351
Lubiranzi River, ii. 169, 344, 345, 348
Lubunga, Chief of Upoto, ii. 171
Lucage River: see Kwilu.
Luemba, Chief of Kinsembe, i. 318
Luemme River, i. 488
Luenda River, i. 180, 222, |26; bridge
value of African products, ii. 368, 369
Live stock, i. i50
Livini, i. 416
Livingstone, Dr., last journey, i. 7 ; search
for, i. 13, 58 ; is found, i. 41 ; his opinion
of the Congo, i. 101 ; his head-man Susi
(see Susi) ; description of Chambezi, ii.
361, 362; works, ii. 11, 381, 385 .
Livingstone Cataracts, i. Î60 ; Palls, i. 102 ;
ii. 339
Livingstone Inland Congo Mission, i. 496 ;
' 44 1 9 1 4 . 9.QQ
Loa River, i.’ 135,161,162, 209, 322, 403;
bridge over the, i, 201 ; valley, i. 126,
127,172,186,196,197 .
Loanga, Dr. Peschuel-Loeche’s expedition
to,, i. 376
Loango, ii. 229
Log Towers, i. 356 ,
across the, i. 187
.1.uiu River, i. 105, 106, 115. 116, 120,126,
135,145, 162, 166, 172,403; ii.215, 359;
valley, i. 186
Lufwenkenya, i. 206
Lugumbila, Vizier of Ibaka, i. 522, 527 ; ii.
2, 64
Luigi River, ii. 359
Luima valley, ii. 214
Luindi River, ii. 359
Luizi River, i. 403; ii. 217
Lukanga River, ii. 21, 27, 28, 45, 46, 344
Lukunga, i. 260; ii. 299; valley, ii. 212,
213, 214
Lukebu, branch of Chofu River, ii. 153
Lukolela, ii. 13,14,15,16, 21, 48, 49, 50,
65, 66, 67,183, 288, 354
Luksic, Monsieur, suicide of, i. 489
Lukuga River: see Luindi.
Lukuluzi River, i. 312
Lulu River, i. 180, 222, 223, 227, 228, 322,
403 ; ii. 193; bridge across the, i. 187
Lulungu River, ii. 32, 37, 76, 77, 78, 344,
Lumami, Chief of Wane Sironga, ii. 157 ;
river, ii. 169, 348, 359
Lunionzo River, i. 403; ii. 214
Lusalla of Mkimbwete, i. 165,199
Lusengo, ii. 173
Lutete, Chief of Banza Lungu, i. 218, 219,
220, 382; ii'. 207, 208