* Bula, M atari ” (Breaker of Books), i. 148,
16#, 231, 382, 383; and Makoko, i. 328-
331; first use of the name.i. 237; reconciled
to Ngalyema, i. 343; dealings with
Ngalyema, i. 357; welcome from Go-
bila, i. 507; acts as peacemaker, ii. 26,
27; and Stanley, difference between, ii.
28 > and Mata Bwyki,'ii. 89, 90
Bula-mbemba Point, i. 65, 81
Bulangnngu, i. 477
Bumba, ii. 104
Bundi, the, i. 164,179, 180 ; river, j. 172-
175, 192, 207, 213, 220, 221, 322, 403;
bridge across the, i. 186 ; valley, i. 186;
forest, i. 192; camp, i. 227
Bunga Biver, ii. 66; district, ii. 170 : see
also Isanga.
Bungata, ii, 32, 37; district, ii. 176
Bunsen, Dr. George Von, i. 34
Burial, custom, ii. 184; plaoe of Tuckey s
officers, i. I l l
Bums, Mr. Spencer, ii. 212, 225, 273, 274
Bnrnt Bocks or Montes Quemadros, i. 17
Burroughs and Welcome (London), ii. 325
Burton, Captain B. P., i. 102 ; ii. 385
Buruki Biver, another name for th e Ikel-
enjba, q.v.
a town, ii. 33
Burying a war, ii. 45
Busanga Island, ii. 153
Bnsch, Dr., ii. 402,407
Bush Fences, around camps, i. 46
Butter, ii. 324 .
Butunu, ii. 19, 21, 23
Bwa-bwa Is jali, the Chief, 290, 291, 292,
303, 304, 377, 378 ; ii. 53
By-yanzi, i. 137, 148; ii. 1, 11, 13; ivory
sellers, i. 29d; tribe, the, i. 295; love of
grandeur, i. 527
Cabbage, ii. 357
Cabo Lombo boundary, ii. 401
Cadiz, i. 468
Cafe best for breakfast, ii. 324
Caillie Bene, ii. 385
Calamities at Leopoldville, i. 486, 487
Calamus Indieus, i. 516; ii. 5, 6, 92, 354
Calavanga Islet, i. 115, 120, 126,128
Calcite, ii. 214
Callewart, Mons., rumoured murder ot, i .
Cam, Diego, i. 1, 9 ,1 4
Cambier, Lieutenant, i. 39
Cameron, ii. 385
Cameroons Mountains, ii. 231
Camoens’ reference to th e Zaire, l. A 103
Camp, native, i. 174
Camps, bush fences around, i. 46
Camwood powder, i. 384; ii, 48, 356
“ Candle-berry I tree, ii. 358
Cannibalism charged against the expedition',
i. 375
Canoe, price of a i. 43; wreck ol a, n. 49
Canoes, dragging overland, i. i90 ; towing
native, i. 416; speed attained by nutive,
ii. 13; kept submerged,fii. 85; at villages,
number of, ii. 109; war, ii. 114, 115 ; an
enormous flotilla of, ii. 136, 137; standing
on end, ii. 139, 141
Canoe-wrights of Wenya, ii. 160
Cao, Diego, the explorer, see Cam.
Caoutchouc plant, ii. 92, 97
Capes, Lopez, i. 73; Palmas, i. 78; S. Ju an ,
ii. 231 , . .
Capital subscribed for the expedition, l. 2b,
27 .. ■
Captives taken by slavers, ii. 148 .
Capuchin Expedition, the, i. 4 ; chronicle,;
i. 9 ; monks in Congo-land, i. 16
Caravans at native markets, i. 282; between
stations, i. 385
Caravanserai a t Pallaballa, ii. 218
Cargoes of ocean steamers, i. 92
Carter and Cadenhead, massacre of, i. 216
Cashew, the, ii. 358
Cassava, ii. 243, 357; bread, l. 374; plantations,
i. 414; decomposing, n. »4
Castle Hill at Vivi, i. 115, 117-120, 123-
127; ii. 257
Castor oil, ii. 353 ..
Casualties during a year, i. 241; m the
expedition, i. 283
Catarrhs, ii. 327
Catfish, ii. 160
Cattle, ii. 361
Cemetery a t Banana, i, 75, 76
Ceremony of Blood-brotherhood, n. 24 : see
also Blood-brotherhood. _ _
Chambezi, ii. 340; described by Livingstone,
ii, 362; river, identical with the
Congo, i. 8, 358; region, extent of, .ii.
361; its character, ii. 362
Character of the natives, i. 29, 30
Cheese, ii. 324 ... -
Chibale mountains, the, i. 8 ; n. 340, obi
362 , •, .
Chief, a jealous, i. 522, 533; a brutal, 1.
218-220; a Herculean, ii. 85 ; of Stanley
Falls Station, ii. 165
Chiefs.—of Congo, i. 17; in an expedition,
i. 48; on the east coast, the obstructive, i.
40, 41, 43; subsidised, i. 54; of Vivi, i.
129, 130, 142; of Nsanda, meeting of
the, i. 164-170; jurisdiction of, i. 295;
military strength of, i. 350; treaties
with, i. 473-477; power .of native, i. 508,
509; of Bolobo, assembly of, i. 528; wealth
of native, ii. 2, 3; frugal, ii. 2 ¡(native)
farewell at Leopoldville, ii. 191; forms-
of treaties with native, ii. 195-197, 205,
206; (native) and districts, list of, u.
Chigoes, i. 214
Chikombo, i. 46
Chikwanga (Cassava-bread), n. 10,11
Chili pepper and tears, ii. 40
Chills, dangers of, ii. 286, 287, 296, 297,
309, 324, 327, 329
Ghilungu, i. 475
China, the ss. i. 455, 456, 460
Chinsalla, i. 139, 161; creek, i. 1 1 0 ;
plateau, i. 127; village, i. 119, 123, 124’
Chionzo district, i. 115, 161, 163, 166-
plateau, i. 120, 125, 126
Chofu Biver, ii. 153
Christianity, conversion of the Congo king
to, i. 1 1
Christmas Day at Iboko, ii. 173 ; presents,
Christopherson, Albert, Danish sailor i 71
107, 208, 224, 238, 239, 258, 264, 268,’
275, 347, 414, 449 ; his services, ii. 255,
Chronicle of the Capuchin expedition, i. 9
Chroniclers, unreliability of the old, i. 5
Chumbiri, i. 514, 515 ; ii. 5, 26
Chunyu, i. 45
Civilisation, absence of conveniences of. ii
239 »
Clapperton, ii. 385
Clarence Cove, ii. 231
Cliffy Point, i. 487
Climate, abuse of the African, i. 66 ; ii.
284, 298 ; and conduct, ii. 220, 221 ; of
Africa, ii. 280 ; of Upper Congo regions,
Cloth markets, ii. 177
payments in, i. 193 ; station stores of,
i. 284
Clothes in Africa, European old, i. 130,
Clothing in the tropics, i. 65 ; ii. 326
Coal-trade, the, i. 74
Coast, the, at thé mouth of the Congo i
61, 62 6 ’ ’
Cocoa as a beverage, ii. 322
Coffee, ii. 375 ; as a beverage, ii. 322 ;
shipped at Benguella, i. 456
Cognac, ii. 242, 308; dangers of the petit
verre, i. 66
Cola nuts, i. 384
Cold and heat, influence of, ii. 293, 294
in Congo-land, ii. 314, 315
camp, i. 212
water, dangers of drinking, ii. 315.
317 -
winds, i. 264 ; ii. 298 ; on the river,
ii. 172
Coldest spot in the country, i. 210
“ Colds,” African, ii. 286
Collars of brass wire, i. 297
Coloured men and Europeans, relative
numbers of, i. 285
Comber, Mr. T. J. (Baptist Missionary), i.
Coniblaine rifles, i. 47
Comité of the Association, i. 29,37, 38, 114,.
150,195, 225, 226,448 ; aims of the, i. 30,
31, 38 ; its resolutions and instructions,
i. 26-28; meetings at Brussels, i. 26-28 ;
its objects, i. 50; change of name, i. 51;
indiscreet disclosures of the, i. 55, 56;
d Etudes du Hant Congo, its formation,,
l.. 26; ii. 259; Internationale Association
du Congo, ii. 259; report to, i. 462
Commerce in the Congo basin, i. 30, 31 ;
in ground nuts, ii. 215; free on the
Congo, ii. 390, 393
Commercial expeditions, character of i.
24, 25 ; travellers, i. 210, 214
Committees, national, i. 35, 36
Commonwealth of stations, i. 54
Commune, Mons del, ii. 225
Communities, ancient, i. 316
Communication between stations, i. 285
Compeigne, M. de, i. 231; ii. 385
Compensation for murder, i. 525, 527
Complaints from the staff, i. 70, 71
Conditions of enjoyment of African life, ii.
Confederation at Léopoldville, i. 495 - of
natives, i. 53
Conference at Berlin, ii. 391
Conferences, native fondness for, i. 167
Congo and Central African Company, i. 7Gr
Cañón, ii. 210; atmosphere of the, i.
—~ Free State, not a Belgian Colony,
l. 54 ; building the Free State, ii. 378 -
Free State territory, ii. 365 ; Free State
boundaries, ii. 401
Congo la Lemba, i. 179; ii. 217; hills, i„
Congo-land, erroneous names in, i. 3 ; beginning
of the history of, i. 9 ; subdivided
into dominions, i. 10 ; mission in, i. 1 1 ,
13, 16; the slave-trade, i. 14; proper*
extent and boundaries, i. -1 1 ; boundaries
of, i. 17; essentiality of freemen for work
in, i. 62, native customs not to be changed,
l. 53, 54 ; business intercourse in, i. 53 ;
subdivisions of power in, i. 17-19; the
king of, breaks the allegiance to the
Portuguese, i. 1 2 ; elders, i. 17; national
flag-of, i. 17; Totela, King of, i. 17
Congo Biver, i. 20,77; altitude at Stanley
Falls, ii. 343; beginning the ascent, i.
79 ; barren of classic associations, i. 101 ;
breadth of the, i. 89; force and soundings,
i. H I ; the Brussels proposals, i. 26,
27; Camoens’ reference to the, i. 103 -
commerce on the, i. 58; currents, i. I l l ’
115, 117, 249 ; chiefs, i. 17; proposal for
negotiations with chiefs, i. 52; Christian
missions on the, i. 58; compared to other
rivers, i. 401; course of the, ii. 343 344 •
described by a Capuchin father, i. i \
discovery of the mouth, i. 1 , 9 ; districts
and them native chiefs, list of, ii. 198-204 ;
divisions of the, ii. 340; expedition, i. 24 ;
exploration, how to utilise, i. 24; fac